Good Lord!
I have been slack on posting, I guess not much is going on; things are bouncing around about the same. I quit watching the new every night because it seems to have quit pissing me off. It seems like everyday it is the same shit over and over and it has stop having an effect on me and it scares me. The min we become complacent with the way things are the fight is over. There are not near as many on the battle lines as there need to be, but I know that there are a large group of us out here that are saying "fuck that!" this is not the world we want to live in, nor a world I wish to raise my child in. I though that when Logan was born I would settle down a bit and not be so anti... everything, but it has fired me up a bit more because I do not want him growing up in the world as it is now. I want better for him. The thing that pisses me off the most is that I am not in a position to do anything about it. I am barely paying the bills now, there is no way that I could take time off work and go to any sort of protest or rally, my one big tool I have always had is SpaceMonkey, but I don't see me being able to pay to have another issue printed If I could ever find the time to write the content. I just feel spent, tired, and beat down, not by the system but by the dumb fucks years past who let it get this bad. And that is not a Bush bashing line; it is an American bashing line. It is a huge FUCK YOU to all the dumb fucks who sat by through the past two decades and did nothing but whine and bitch and moan about taking responsibility for their own actions so they complained to the law makers that "there aught to be a law" and gave government more and more power, to the stupid bastards who are so caught up in which party this person belongs to or that party said that, to take their head out of their ass for one moment to see it doesn't matter what party someone is with because they all are full of shit, the system is broke, and a huge Fuck off to the people who though "two party systems don't work" and started the green party or libertarian parties, yeah good idea let's make independent parties that have no chance in hell of working in a two party system. Sure there are some people who have made it to ranks of power in a 3rd party at a state level and a few on a national level (though most of them changed once they had already been in Washington for a few years).
I am frustrated with life right now I am sick and tired of having money taken out of my check so that my next door neighbor can get her food stamps and drive a 09 Camry with three kids, while I am getting the run around to help me and my wife eat and feed our child. If I can't get some of MY money that I paid in back to help me out now, then Fuck you if I have to keep paying it out. Friday when I get my check I better have ALL my money. I have no problem with social programs to help low income, never have, I have no problem with paying taxes either, but when I get denied of given the run around to use those programs myself, we have a problem, or when we look at the taxes paid in and never told how that money is used and by who, and we still have to go into debt to have a national healthcare system so that no one ever has to worry about getting sick or having to balance rent with meds and missing doses because insurance denies them for having a "pre-existing condition".... Oh yeah Fuck you to you stupid ass fucks who don't want a government run healthcare system, I would love a healthcare system that works, Medicaid and Medicare work, the VA works, when it is staffed and they aren't shipping all of the doctors to fight in useless wars. So lets say goodbye to insurance companies, and stop all of the people from making money on the sick. Get rid of the need for insurance and the cost for healthcare will go down. Everyone who complains about a government run healthcare system sure as hell doesnt complain when they ship the kids to school, or go to the post office. It is our tax dollars at work. And I would much rather pay out for healthcare than for whores for congress.
and now some pictures.....

I have been slack on posting, I guess not much is going on; things are bouncing around about the same. I quit watching the new every night because it seems to have quit pissing me off. It seems like everyday it is the same shit over and over and it has stop having an effect on me and it scares me. The min we become complacent with the way things are the fight is over. There are not near as many on the battle lines as there need to be, but I know that there are a large group of us out here that are saying "fuck that!" this is not the world we want to live in, nor a world I wish to raise my child in. I though that when Logan was born I would settle down a bit and not be so anti... everything, but it has fired me up a bit more because I do not want him growing up in the world as it is now. I want better for him. The thing that pisses me off the most is that I am not in a position to do anything about it. I am barely paying the bills now, there is no way that I could take time off work and go to any sort of protest or rally, my one big tool I have always had is SpaceMonkey, but I don't see me being able to pay to have another issue printed If I could ever find the time to write the content. I just feel spent, tired, and beat down, not by the system but by the dumb fucks years past who let it get this bad. And that is not a Bush bashing line; it is an American bashing line. It is a huge FUCK YOU to all the dumb fucks who sat by through the past two decades and did nothing but whine and bitch and moan about taking responsibility for their own actions so they complained to the law makers that "there aught to be a law" and gave government more and more power, to the stupid bastards who are so caught up in which party this person belongs to or that party said that, to take their head out of their ass for one moment to see it doesn't matter what party someone is with because they all are full of shit, the system is broke, and a huge Fuck off to the people who though "two party systems don't work" and started the green party or libertarian parties, yeah good idea let's make independent parties that have no chance in hell of working in a two party system. Sure there are some people who have made it to ranks of power in a 3rd party at a state level and a few on a national level (though most of them changed once they had already been in Washington for a few years).
I am frustrated with life right now I am sick and tired of having money taken out of my check so that my next door neighbor can get her food stamps and drive a 09 Camry with three kids, while I am getting the run around to help me and my wife eat and feed our child. If I can't get some of MY money that I paid in back to help me out now, then Fuck you if I have to keep paying it out. Friday when I get my check I better have ALL my money. I have no problem with social programs to help low income, never have, I have no problem with paying taxes either, but when I get denied of given the run around to use those programs myself, we have a problem, or when we look at the taxes paid in and never told how that money is used and by who, and we still have to go into debt to have a national healthcare system so that no one ever has to worry about getting sick or having to balance rent with meds and missing doses because insurance denies them for having a "pre-existing condition".... Oh yeah Fuck you to you stupid ass fucks who don't want a government run healthcare system, I would love a healthcare system that works, Medicaid and Medicare work, the VA works, when it is staffed and they aren't shipping all of the doctors to fight in useless wars. So lets say goodbye to insurance companies, and stop all of the people from making money on the sick. Get rid of the need for insurance and the cost for healthcare will go down. Everyone who complains about a government run healthcare system sure as hell doesnt complain when they ship the kids to school, or go to the post office. It is our tax dollars at work. And I would much rather pay out for healthcare than for whores for congress.
and now some pictures.....

the pell grant is made to help those who normally couldnt go to school, go to school, and help them get by while in school.
yeah. my parents have zero money for me for college. sure i get hope grant. but it doesnt cover books or living expenses. i get $100 to spend on books. so the pell grant would be perfect for me. it would help pay for books and school, and a lap top that doesnt have to be plugged in all the time since i'm doing a technolgy based course of study.
well. according to the pell people. my parents make too much money for me to get it.
..... we give all this shit in taxes to help pay for things like this. and i dont get to see a dime. also now that i've lost my job, i dont have money to go to school. sure, i could just go full time and work my one job and focus on my studies. but i have bills to pay, i have gas to buy, and have parents who i want to help with paying the bills. and i wouldnt be working enough to be able to do that. i'd be left with no money by the end of the month due to my bills and gas alone.
this all seriously sucks.