well... two weeks into this whole fatherhood thing and so far so good. I have no clue what i'm doing. I am working to find a balance between this new side of myself and the old comic geek side who loves pin ups movies and nakedness. I am having a hard time with it. I know the two can co-exist; i just have to figure it all out. Logan is great though. Never have i dreamed i would be holding a little person in my arms. i love just hanging out with him and can't wait until he is old enough for me to start teaching him things. and better yet... when he is old enough to take to the movies. i have become smitten by him. and better yet him being born has just made me fall in love with my wife even more. well i guess it is time to go back to work...
More Blogs
Sunday Oct 23, 2011
Another weekend going well.Yet boxes that are still lying around need… -
Saturday Oct 15, 2011
Well after a year i am back on SG. Tons of shit has changed in the pa… -
Tuesday Oct 12, 2010
Taking me a four day weekend this weekend. I am so in need of a break… -
Sunday Oct 03, 2010
cookin' me up some beef stew today. had inventory this weekend, so on… -
Thursday Sep 09, 2010
Man it has been nuts the past week or so,our air went out and it took… -
Friday Aug 20, 2010
It is so odd logging on the site after so long. Last night i posted a… -
Thursday Aug 19, 2010
Well here I am 6 months later. Thank you to whoever it was who gifted… -
Sunday Feb 21, 2010
My membership is finished as of tomorrow, I am gonna do my best to re… -
Sunday Feb 07, 2010
My membership is up at the end of the month, I was thinking about let… -
Friday Jan 15, 2010
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I'm glad that you guys are doing well and I can't wait till I can see Logan again!