Thanks to everyone and their support. Chelle is holding up good, we are now 23 weeks in. Last week when we went to the ultrasound they couldn't get a good shot of a few things so they are sending us to some sort of specialist, I think just so the insurance will pay for another Ultrasound, they said everything looked fine, they just didn't want to wait another month to see the spine and heart, the little one was jumping all over the place and they couldn't get a shot to tell the sex yet. we are 90% sure it is a boy, but we will know for sure next week I hope.
If it is a boy he will be Logan Michael Stuckey, and if a girl; Elena Marie Stuckey. Both middle names are after people we have lost in the past few years, my mom and Mike. I will keep you all up to date and post info on the baby shower later, some of you SGATL members will be getting invites.
If it is a boy he will be Logan Michael Stuckey, and if a girl; Elena Marie Stuckey. Both middle names are after people we have lost in the past few years, my mom and Mike. I will keep you all up to date and post info on the baby shower later, some of you SGATL members will be getting invites.

i'm really excited for you babe. the names are awesome. and i'm sure everything is turning out fine.