Well the election is over.... I am happy Obama won, and yet I still feel uneasy. Maybe I have been dragged so low over the past 8 years that I am just too cynical. I was a hardcore Obama fan until he picked Biden as his VP. I thought, for someone who is running on change and new blood to pick someone who has been in the Senate for 36 years was preposterous. Not to mention some of the remarks that were borderline socialist. And yes I will be the first to say that capitalism is broken, socialism is not the way to go. Obama and McCain both have been screaming at each other for months but neither of them really answered a fucking thing. And it's because they don't know how to help the country. Hell no one in washington does, or at least they don't want to pay the price to do it. This is the United States Of America, and it is falling down around us, either we don't see it because we are too blind, too busy screening our calls from debt collectors, or we have just been beat the fuck up, to the point where we just need a glimer of hope. And that is what Obam is, he is that hope, he came promising that change we want, but he never told us in realistic terms what that would be. His campain was a pipe dream, hell even with a democratic congress and senate they are not going to let him do half of what he wanted, it would take money from their pockets. If you want to fix America you have to fix our revenue system, the US dollar is a joke. The reason so many of us are in debt up to our eyes is because our checks are not worth the paper they are printed on. And there is no easy answer to how you fix it either. Sure you could raise the minimum wage, but all that would do is raise the cost of everything else. One year ago you could get a job making 12 bucks an hour, one year later, with the cost of everything from milk, eggs, gas, bread, and corn skyrocketing, that same 12 dollars will not buy what it did 12 months ago... did you start working less, or not as hard? No none of us did but our checks did not keep up with the cost of living, and it's not our bosses fault, hell I know my boss would love to pay me more, but his cost on keeping our doors open has gone up so bad we have been short handed for 6 months. The US dollar has no worth, it is only worth what the US Government says it is, and quite frankly, their word doesn't mean shit. Nixion took off the gold standard and fucked us all, now there is no going back. Bush just fucked us even harder the past 8 years, and now my hope is in the hands of Obama. And please don't get me wrong, he was the best choice on Tuesday, but he can't fix us either. I congratulate him and wish the best over the next four years. But I am scared. This race has gotten the whole country so racially charged it's crazy. I don't want to take away from people culture and all but all I heard this morning was this and that about the first African-American President, in my eyes he was the next American President. There is no need to make race a issue, but that is what has happened. So here is something to chew on and God I hope I am wrong.... everyone knows I want to take over the world and rule with an iron fist, but if I were a true terrorist this is the perfect set up. you have a country who is racially charged, a military spread too thin. There will be an atempt on Obama's life, it will be some inbred white puck ass kid from the south. And ya know he may not even need to actually kill him, but the act itself will rip this country apart and noone will even bother to ask why or who or what. Terrorist have bombed all sorts of things all over the world and when it happens as seen on 9-11 all it does is bring us closer together. But you hit us with culture bomb like that and you will set us back 60 years.
I don't know what the next few weeks, months or years hold for us. I hope my gut is wrong, I hope that it's just years of comics that have rotted my mind, I hope it is just me being cynical... but at least I have hope. That is what Obama is, he is hope. We all have wished and hoped for a change and now we have it. Let us all stay involved in this even now that the race is over. And if all goes bad, I say lets go to Mexico, the dollar is still worth something there.
I don't know what the next few weeks, months or years hold for us. I hope my gut is wrong, I hope that it's just years of comics that have rotted my mind, I hope it is just me being cynical... but at least I have hope. That is what Obama is, he is hope. We all have wished and hoped for a change and now we have it. Let us all stay involved in this even now that the race is over. And if all goes bad, I say lets go to Mexico, the dollar is still worth something there.