Damn it is good to be feeling better. Sorry about the last post, just had to vent. I try never to complain about work, I have always looked at it as the time it takes to bitch about something I could have it done and over with. I think that comes from being in managment for so long, I hated when employees would bitch and moan about doing their work... just shut up and do it. I think that is what led me to wanting to take over the world, (a goal that I have not given up on). I got tired of bitching about the politics and the religious extremist, and all the dumb backward ass fucks that I grew up around, and decided instead of bitching about it, I was just going to start to work on my plan of taking over. The plan has had many forms and shapes over the years, but I know I will be looked on as though I was some evil dictator, and I am fine with that. In the long run people will look back on history and see that I did what needed to do, and that the millions who died when I came to power needed to die, it wasn't in just, it was for the good of mankind.
What got me thinging about my Masterplan again was none other than our lovely SG of the day yesterday, Mason. When I saw her set and her name it made me remember how I have been trying to get hooked up in the Freemasons for the past, i don't know, six years or so. I mean here is an organization who has been around since the middle ages and some of the most powerful people in world history has come from their ranks. If I stand a chance of doing what needs to be done I will need thoes connections. Not to mention if I ever want to be a Shriner and get my fez, I need to be a Mason first.
I watched a doc on History Channel a year or so ago, about the Freemasons. The average age of the masons is now like 63, I feel that the time has come to inject some new blood, and bring this organization back to the power it once held. Have the fingers in all the cookie jars once again, and in turn help me, The Monkey King climb to the top of the heap and take over the world.
Just imagine one of "us", the so called freaks or outcast, geeks, nerds, pervs, or whatever we are known as in our lives being the ones who set what the standard is, cause we all know there is no normal, no matter what they try and tell us. I want an world where people can live up to what they can be, be that artist, writers, free thinkers, or whatever and not have to worry about working 3 jobs just so they can make ends meat to pay for their bills, and god forbid, any healthcare needs. I want kids to be able to go to school without fear of getting shot, or not learning anything because the dumbass sitting behind them is fighting with the teacher and he/she cannot teach. The little fuckers who do not want to be there, they will not be there, they will be on the sides of every major highway, cutting the grass, or working under bridges, and any other hazardious job, because they did not want to be educated and be a productive member of the community, they are expendible, and can die. no one will care.... you may say "but Stuck what about the kids parents?" I am gald you asked, piss ant kids are not made from comics and tv and movies, or videogames, they are made from dead beat parents, Mothers and Fathers who care more about their busy lives to even listen to their kids, so guess what..... they are expendible too.
Oh yes in the frist few years the streets will run red with the blood of the inbreed hillbilies, we will thin out the heard. And the leaders of the rest of the world will watch what I do and say "Hell I thought Bush was scary!" But what they will soon learn is Bush was totally different, and will be my first target.... I don't give a shit what happens in your country, the time of command and conquer is over, I don't want to invade other lands, I want to get my 50 states under control and then I will think about everything else. If people want to keep fighting in the Middle East... ok go ahead and kill yourselves, People starving in other contries... guess what there are people starving here.... other contries are not my problem.
I know people think I am a heartless bastard... maybe, but think of it this way, You are driving home from work , you turn onto your street and four houses are on fire, two on either side of the road, on the left is your house and another two empty lots from you and then two housed across the street right next to each other, one of them you know is a crack house. What do you do, you know your family is inside your house... what do you do? do you go help the crack heads across the street and the neighboring house while your family burns, do you help the old couple who live a few lots down from you, or do you go and save your family, take care or your house and then see if you can help the nearest to you? The problem I have had since I was a teenager was the world has always at my contry for help and the powers that be, thought that it was more important to help the other houses than help it's own. That has to stop, because our house is a smoldering ruin right now and we need to get to rebuilding before the next storm hits.
I know that was a chessy way of looking at it, but for christ sake, it has to be the way people look at it. Turn on the tv and watch the news, it is all falling apart right now, our government is too busy fighting a fire that is only burning down a crackhouse, and the American Public have been so dumbed down over the years from a lack of education that they are waiting for someone else to come put the fire out when the fire hose is right outside, they are either too lazy, stupid, or conditioned to think they should have to do anything to help themselves, that they are gonna burn, and bitch about it the whole time. Yes people do piss me off, Americans are sorry no good sacks of shit, but not all of us, and to a point I can't blame them, they just haven't been rasied right. It's the same as the fuckwad kids, the problem wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the parents, well in the case of the American Public, it is Government who are the parents, and they have done such a great job of mind fucking the kids until you can't even use the arguement that the government are voted on by the people. The "people" have been so dumbed down over the past 30 years that they don't know how to vote for a change. Bush was voted in TWICE!!!!! If that doesn't prove my point NOTHING will.
It all needs to be wiped clean and start over.
What got me thinging about my Masterplan again was none other than our lovely SG of the day yesterday, Mason. When I saw her set and her name it made me remember how I have been trying to get hooked up in the Freemasons for the past, i don't know, six years or so. I mean here is an organization who has been around since the middle ages and some of the most powerful people in world history has come from their ranks. If I stand a chance of doing what needs to be done I will need thoes connections. Not to mention if I ever want to be a Shriner and get my fez, I need to be a Mason first.
I watched a doc on History Channel a year or so ago, about the Freemasons. The average age of the masons is now like 63, I feel that the time has come to inject some new blood, and bring this organization back to the power it once held. Have the fingers in all the cookie jars once again, and in turn help me, The Monkey King climb to the top of the heap and take over the world.
Just imagine one of "us", the so called freaks or outcast, geeks, nerds, pervs, or whatever we are known as in our lives being the ones who set what the standard is, cause we all know there is no normal, no matter what they try and tell us. I want an world where people can live up to what they can be, be that artist, writers, free thinkers, or whatever and not have to worry about working 3 jobs just so they can make ends meat to pay for their bills, and god forbid, any healthcare needs. I want kids to be able to go to school without fear of getting shot, or not learning anything because the dumbass sitting behind them is fighting with the teacher and he/she cannot teach. The little fuckers who do not want to be there, they will not be there, they will be on the sides of every major highway, cutting the grass, or working under bridges, and any other hazardious job, because they did not want to be educated and be a productive member of the community, they are expendible, and can die. no one will care.... you may say "but Stuck what about the kids parents?" I am gald you asked, piss ant kids are not made from comics and tv and movies, or videogames, they are made from dead beat parents, Mothers and Fathers who care more about their busy lives to even listen to their kids, so guess what..... they are expendible too.
Oh yes in the frist few years the streets will run red with the blood of the inbreed hillbilies, we will thin out the heard. And the leaders of the rest of the world will watch what I do and say "Hell I thought Bush was scary!" But what they will soon learn is Bush was totally different, and will be my first target.... I don't give a shit what happens in your country, the time of command and conquer is over, I don't want to invade other lands, I want to get my 50 states under control and then I will think about everything else. If people want to keep fighting in the Middle East... ok go ahead and kill yourselves, People starving in other contries... guess what there are people starving here.... other contries are not my problem.
I know people think I am a heartless bastard... maybe, but think of it this way, You are driving home from work , you turn onto your street and four houses are on fire, two on either side of the road, on the left is your house and another two empty lots from you and then two housed across the street right next to each other, one of them you know is a crack house. What do you do, you know your family is inside your house... what do you do? do you go help the crack heads across the street and the neighboring house while your family burns, do you help the old couple who live a few lots down from you, or do you go and save your family, take care or your house and then see if you can help the nearest to you? The problem I have had since I was a teenager was the world has always at my contry for help and the powers that be, thought that it was more important to help the other houses than help it's own. That has to stop, because our house is a smoldering ruin right now and we need to get to rebuilding before the next storm hits.
I know that was a chessy way of looking at it, but for christ sake, it has to be the way people look at it. Turn on the tv and watch the news, it is all falling apart right now, our government is too busy fighting a fire that is only burning down a crackhouse, and the American Public have been so dumbed down over the years from a lack of education that they are waiting for someone else to come put the fire out when the fire hose is right outside, they are either too lazy, stupid, or conditioned to think they should have to do anything to help themselves, that they are gonna burn, and bitch about it the whole time. Yes people do piss me off, Americans are sorry no good sacks of shit, but not all of us, and to a point I can't blame them, they just haven't been rasied right. It's the same as the fuckwad kids, the problem wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the parents, well in the case of the American Public, it is Government who are the parents, and they have done such a great job of mind fucking the kids until you can't even use the arguement that the government are voted on by the people. The "people" have been so dumbed down over the past 30 years that they don't know how to vote for a change. Bush was voted in TWICE!!!!! If that doesn't prove my point NOTHING will.
It all needs to be wiped clean and start over.