"It isn't over until the fat lady sings."
And she is about to get busy.
The movie (SESSIONS: Total Telemark V) on which I have been working for the past months is about to come to completion. I have to send it out on Monday to get dumped to tape for the Taos Film festival and it premieres in Berkeley next Friday! Crunch time, as they say. Worked with the graphic designer last night and should have titling to drop in on Sunday. Meanwhile I polish and tweak. Good times.
And she is about to get busy.
The movie (SESSIONS: Total Telemark V) on which I have been working for the past months is about to come to completion. I have to send it out on Monday to get dumped to tape for the Taos Film festival and it premieres in Berkeley next Friday! Crunch time, as they say. Worked with the graphic designer last night and should have titling to drop in on Sunday. Meanwhile I polish and tweak. Good times.
now i have a reason to go back to taos.
I get out at 2:30 in the afternoon, which i guess is a plus, but it doesn't feel like it when i am headed to bed at 8