"...like Genghis Kan on and iron horse, a monster steed with a fiery anus, flat out through the eye of a beer can and up your daughter's leg with no quarter asked and non given; show the squares some class, give em a whif of those kicks they'll never know..."
---Hunter S. Thompson, Hell's Angels
Well, I made an offer on a new motorcycle last night but it was rejected. I could have gone up but the offer I made was about $500 more than I really wanted to pay in the first place. So I guess I am going to have to pass on this one. I was kindof bummed out about it last night but quickly realized that it wasn't worth being upset about... another will come my way soon enough I am sure. I will be selling my old ride so if you are in the market for a good, used VFR, lemme know.
I am glad it is Friday. I need a weekend pretty badly. My boss was on vacation the last couple of weeks so I had to be the goto guy a little bit during the course of his absence. Which was great, don't get me wrong, just tiring lumped on top of my standard obligations.
I have been turning away freelance work of late as I just don't seem to have the desire to work all the time anymore. I will be losing one of my remaining clients in the next few weeks which will leave me even more open to be able to do my own thing and work on this year's movie. I am going to be editing some of it which should be a blast. I could always use the extra cash but it is great to have some time to spend with my sweetie and just chillin'.
The knee situation isn't really improving that much. After physical therapy, it is a bit stronger but is still popping like crazy. I go back to the doctor at the end of the month to see what options I have regarding further treatment. I am a bit nervous that I will have to get it operated on but at this point, whatever fixes it before ski season is what I want to do.
Hope everyone has a most excellent weekend!
---Hunter S. Thompson, Hell's Angels
Well, I made an offer on a new motorcycle last night but it was rejected. I could have gone up but the offer I made was about $500 more than I really wanted to pay in the first place. So I guess I am going to have to pass on this one. I was kindof bummed out about it last night but quickly realized that it wasn't worth being upset about... another will come my way soon enough I am sure. I will be selling my old ride so if you are in the market for a good, used VFR, lemme know.
I am glad it is Friday. I need a weekend pretty badly. My boss was on vacation the last couple of weeks so I had to be the goto guy a little bit during the course of his absence. Which was great, don't get me wrong, just tiring lumped on top of my standard obligations.
I have been turning away freelance work of late as I just don't seem to have the desire to work all the time anymore. I will be losing one of my remaining clients in the next few weeks which will leave me even more open to be able to do my own thing and work on this year's movie. I am going to be editing some of it which should be a blast. I could always use the extra cash but it is great to have some time to spend with my sweetie and just chillin'.
The knee situation isn't really improving that much. After physical therapy, it is a bit stronger but is still popping like crazy. I go back to the doctor at the end of the month to see what options I have regarding further treatment. I am a bit nervous that I will have to get it operated on but at this point, whatever fixes it before ski season is what I want to do.
Hope everyone has a most excellent weekend!
i just covered for my manager for the past month on account of her being out due to knee surgery. She seems to be getting around pretty well as of late however. i hope yours gets to feeling better soon!