Spring is creeping up the canyon. Color slowly moving higher and higher up the mountainside. Today, as I descend into the valley, I am struck by the sheer beauty of it all. The peaks are lit from the low angle of the morning sun; glowing as if from within. The acres of pine at their feet is flocked with a fresh dusting of snow and...
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"Water water everywhere so le's all have a drink."
--Homer Simpson
Jeez. You would think that people had never seen it snow in Colorado.
Co-worker #1: "How are the roads?"
Disguy: "Snow-covered." (Which is pretty friggin' obvious if you look out the window.)
Co-worker #1: "Not slick?"
Gawd. What the hell do you think they are? Yes. If there are several inches of snow on...
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--Homer Simpson
Jeez. You would think that people had never seen it snow in Colorado.
Co-worker #1: "How are the roads?"
Disguy: "Snow-covered." (Which is pretty friggin' obvious if you look out the window.)
Co-worker #1: "Not slick?"
Gawd. What the hell do you think they are? Yes. If there are several inches of snow on...
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Snow does rule. I do love it when you can use it for an excuse to stay home and screw off or chill out, like you can here. You couldn't get away with that though, but on the other hand you get to board anytime. That would be so great
Do you have a fireplace? I love them but haven't had one since I lived at home with my parents.

uhhhhhhhhh. i know you love snow. i love it from the indoors only. well.....except for maybe a few days of cold weather fun.......
and yes....(shhhh)...i have critters....i usually tend not to mention it on here to many people....but if you can keep a big secret....i'm an old married broad of 12 years and i have a 10 year old daughter and 7 year old twin boys....which is why i'm so keen witted and clever....
shh. don't tell.
[Edited on Apr 30, 2005 6:53PM]
and yes....(shhhh)...i have critters....i usually tend not to mention it on here to many people....but if you can keep a big secret....i'm an old married broad of 12 years and i have a 10 year old daughter and 7 year old twin boys....which is why i'm so keen witted and clever....
shh. don't tell.

[Edited on Apr 30, 2005 6:53PM]
"Why stand on a silent platform? Fight the war. Fuck the norm."
How to improve on that statement... well, I suppose a simple call to action would suffice. Let your voice be heard. Make a statement. Take a stand. Just let them know you are out there and that your opinions matter just as much as any gigantic corporation's. More so.
How to improve on that statement... well, I suppose a simple call to action would suffice. Let your voice be heard. Make a statement. Take a stand. Just let them know you are out there and that your opinions matter just as much as any gigantic corporation's. More so.
--Ember, our maroon bellied conure
Sabotage is a kickass video.
Spring snow is heavy.
Ju-on was a creepy movie.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force is really amusing.
Stubert is tired.
--Ember, our maroon bellied conure
Sabotage is a kickass video.
Spring snow is heavy.
Ju-on was a creepy movie.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force is really amusing.
Stubert is tired.
i fucking love the toon network its crazy. how was your weekend? things good? hows rage. schools winding down. im beat. i cant wait for the life aquatic to come out on DVD. did you see it? the soundtrack is rad.
love you much. i even used one of the emoticons.

"All the ladies in the house, say yeah."
--Tenacious D
I will be glad when this week is over. Then I can start to focus more... which will be nice. I have to work at the basin tomorrow and then the film festival is on Sunday and Monday. I will probably attend both days but we'll see. After that, I will simply need to start...
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--Tenacious D
I will be glad when this week is over. Then I can start to focus more... which will be nice. I have to work at the basin tomorrow and then the film festival is on Sunday and Monday. I will probably attend both days but we'll see. After that, I will simply need to start...
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"Ya hear that? We're usin' code names!"
--Gale Snoats
On occasion, I find myself baffling people with my vernacular. See, as much as I would like to take credit for most of what comes out of my mouth, it is mostly a mish-mash of movie quotes and made up words. Two tears in a bucket, fuck it. I said it, now what you gonna do...
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--Gale Snoats
On occasion, I find myself baffling people with my vernacular. See, as much as I would like to take credit for most of what comes out of my mouth, it is mostly a mish-mash of movie quotes and made up words. Two tears in a bucket, fuck it. I said it, now what you gonna do...
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whoa dude
although that entry is a damn fine example of your bafflebility.

although that entry is a damn fine example of your bafflebility.

"I cannot live with that guy. He is so annoying. He is so frightening. And he never wears a shirt."
--Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past
This weekend was a blast. Complemented by a day off yesterday. Good times.
Went on lots of hikes with my sweetness and watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force. We went to the zoo too which was a lot of fun. Definitely...
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--Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past
This weekend was a blast. Complemented by a day off yesterday. Good times.
Went on lots of hikes with my sweetness and watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force. We went to the zoo too which was a lot of fun. Definitely...
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it was your grumpy political rambling that caused me to profess my love though.
glad you had a good weekend.
i' headin to milwaukee this weekend to see hank williams III..which makes me a happy girl.

glad you had a good weekend.
i' headin to milwaukee this weekend to see hank williams III..which makes me a happy girl.

hikes mean a healthy coupla days..so..yay for the stuberts!
speaking for the critters, please continue to look both ways!
speaking for the critters, please continue to look both ways!
"You can fuck me if I'm wrong! "
So much to write, so little time.
So I was thinking on the way in this morning, with my cat wailing spastically next to me (hooray for ear plugs!), that there are quite a few topics i could highlight for journal entries, both today, and going forward. Should I stick to happy things, so as to...
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So much to write, so little time.
So I was thinking on the way in this morning, with my cat wailing spastically next to me (hooray for ear plugs!), that there are quite a few topics i could highlight for journal entries, both today, and going forward. Should I stick to happy things, so as to...
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thanks for this, you have illustrated very elegantly the struggle that so many young military families (and not so young) face, especially reservist families. it's a travesty that so many of these people sign up because of honorable intentions, put themselves in harms way, all in the name of "securing our freedoms" while their families are back home unable to make ends meet because the measly pittance they earn is a 1/10 of what they could be making at home. their families are back home suffering irreconcilably financially and emotionally. my question is probably the same as yours, what fucking freedoms are we securing in iraq? how can this administration so callously turn its back on these families? (most of who naively believe they signed up to serve their country, not a political agenda).
i am not sure that i can ever adequately express the shame and disgust i feel towards this present administration and its abuse of the powers that it has been entrusted with by the american people.
btw i am doing fine though i do get tired of the waiting at times. i just want to hurry up sometimes so i can start to get better but doctors never seem to see it that way.
hope you guys are doing well on that front yourselves. take care!
i am not sure that i can ever adequately express the shame and disgust i feel towards this present administration and its abuse of the powers that it has been entrusted with by the american people.
btw i am doing fine though i do get tired of the waiting at times. i just want to hurry up sometimes so i can start to get better but doctors never seem to see it that way.
hope you guys are doing well on that front yourselves. take care!
i just fell in love with you.
"Put 'em on the glass."
I needs me a vacation.
I needs me a vacation.
did i say that?
"one nation's 'atrocity' is another's 'incident'."
so... aside from watching shitty movies, i spent the weekend skiing at the basin and shooting video. it was really interesting to see how much more fun the camps are when the students actually progress over the course of the 2 days. good stuff. not that they usually don't progress, we just had a great group this year...
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so... aside from watching shitty movies, i spent the weekend skiing at the basin and shooting video. it was really interesting to see how much more fun the camps are when the students actually progress over the course of the 2 days. good stuff. not that they usually don't progress, we just had a great group this year...
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romeo and juliet. it was killer.
i'm a sucker for the ballet. it flips my horny switch for some reason.
i'm a sucker for the ballet. it flips my horny switch for some reason.
Thanks but things got aweful after i wrote my entry. my baby boy fell out of my bed and on the concrete
he is ok tho. thank goodness.
what shitty movies did you watch?

what shitty movies did you watch?

ever wish you hadn't logged on? today, i had some time to burn before heading out for another day of steep camp shooting at the basin and damn. i wish i hadn't. too many yucky things going on for people in my bookmarks. give them all a little love, would ya?
so then i headed over to the film club to see what people thought...
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so then i headed over to the film club to see what people thought...
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please say they caught the guy.
good thoughts to him as he recuperates.
i think you know how i feel about drunk drivers as well...as per our conversations about a certain unsavory criminal...
talk to you tomorrow, maybe?
(what the hell are you doing working on a sunday?)
good thoughts to him as he recuperates.
i think you know how i feel about drunk drivers as well...as per our conversations about a certain unsavory criminal...
talk to you tomorrow, maybe?
(what the hell are you doing working on a sunday?)
"I don't care about you. Fuck you."
--Circle Jerks
I just don't seem to have anything I want to share with the class today. What would you like to know?
"I'm gonna go jump in the tub and get all slippery and soapy and then hop in that waterbed and watch X-rated movies 'till you get your ass back in my lovn'...
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--Circle Jerks
I just don't seem to have anything I want to share with the class today. What would you like to know?
"I'm gonna go jump in the tub and get all slippery and soapy and then hop in that waterbed and watch X-rated movies 'till you get your ass back in my lovn'...
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I think all birds are wacky. Completely and totally. This does perhaps explain my love for the feathered friends

would the stuberts appreciate this little mcditty?
refreshing compared to my shallow woe is me banter.
its a lovely day here as well. i'm off and i got outside and did a bit of yard work....went and had my toes done and now i'm chillin.
hope your day is full of sunshiney happiness