Every time I walk into the condo, I love it more and it sinks in a little more. This is mine. This is ours, my little ones and mine. We did this.
Every time it's prettier, and more like a home. And everytime something different kind of strikes me.
Like I can walk out of my bedroom onto my balcony
and I have my own...
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Every time it's prettier, and more like a home. And everytime something different kind of strikes me.
Like I can walk out of my bedroom onto my balcony

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You ever going to update girl?
I saw a movie that reminded me of you.
So I finally figured it out!!!
The condo I bought and am currently gutting. I've asked myself many times "what the F* was wrong w/ the previous owner"
I'm talking one room has a dark red, dusky pink and bright red checked wallpaper on different walls. Moldy carpet, stained walls. Just how could someone live like that. So gross
But today, the mystery was solved....
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The condo I bought and am currently gutting. I've asked myself many times "what the F* was wrong w/ the previous owner"
I'm talking one room has a dark red, dusky pink and bright red checked wallpaper on different walls. Moldy carpet, stained walls. Just how could someone live like that. So gross
But today, the mystery was solved....
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If everything works out and I do get to go, it will be a couple of months before I leave. Regardless, we should hang out soon! Saturdays are best for me.
Not funny so much as... sad. I assigned the reading of two native american "trickster tales." I then assigned the kids a project where they created their own trickster (an animal that uses magic, violence, or deceit to get what she wants... like you
I then told the kids to create their own trickster tales, using the trickster they had made. He turned his in several days late... and all he turned in was the character... no tale to be seen. If I give instructions to the class, he doesn't seem to get them... I have to walk over to him particularly and repeat the directions. It's not his fault... I seem to remember his IQ sitting at about 80. Some people are just dumb.

On a far more entertaining note:
My child has more tattoos than me. I returned from physical therapy last night to find my son's godmother had covered him in temp tattoos. And not little cute butterflies either, the kid has a dancing lady across his chest.
My son looks like a 1 percenter!!!!!
My child has more tattoos than me. I returned from physical therapy last night to find my son's godmother had covered him in temp tattoos. And not little cute butterflies either, the kid has a dancing lady across his chest.
My son looks like a 1 percenter!!!!!

How was the zoo?
His godmother sounds like fun
how was the zoo?

Court is over. (and I'm sure it will be awhile before I have to listen to another tirade of how I ruined his life and he wants his his rights terminated because he doesn't want to pay support for his child, or have anything at all to do w/ said child) Blah
But it is Friday!!!!
It is going to be a beautiful wkend
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But it is Friday!!!!
It is going to be a beautiful wkend
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eym tellin' ya! weird!
how was de zoo? did you get any chance to recover from court?
hope so.
how was de zoo? did you get any chance to recover from court?
hope so.
Soo, tomorrow is the big day. Pre school, court. Big steps all at once.
This wkend went by awful fast for being long. I was totally lazy and didn't really do anything but play w/ my son. More wkends should be like that. If life weren't so busy, I'd def have more.
This wkend went by awful fast for being long. I was totally lazy and didn't really do anything but play w/ my son. More wkends should be like that. If life weren't so busy, I'd def have more.

did you have withdraws from your son going to school or a big party

Good luck at court.
I have a wekend coming up like yours. Mika really wants to go to Six Flags Great America. Neither of us have ever been there, but I think we might go this weekend.
I have a wekend coming up like yours. Mika really wants to go to Six Flags Great America. Neither of us have ever been there, but I think we might go this weekend.
All I can say, is why can't we have more public officials like Mayor Ray Nagin.
Now I know leaders in areas going through crisis always get a little bit of a hero status, but he's been amazing. He's in there crying w/ his people and getting in everyone's face. And I looked up some articles about his history, he's amazing.
I can't imagine being...
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Now I know leaders in areas going through crisis always get a little bit of a hero status, but he's been amazing. He's in there crying w/ his people and getting in everyone's face. And I looked up some articles about his history, he's amazing.
I can't imagine being...
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aw, that sucks. I wasn't doing anything most of Saturday but I didn't go online after you commented.

thanks fpr the nice comment about my pics. 

I love my son. I love the funny things kids say, we had this conversation the other night on the way home.
child - our turn w/ the sun's over
me - yes, it's another little boys turn
child - then it'll be dark
me - that's right
child - I like the dark
me - then why do you insist on sleeping w/ your...
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child - our turn w/ the sun's over
me - yes, it's another little boys turn
child - then it'll be dark
me - that's right
child - I like the dark
me - then why do you insist on sleeping w/ your...
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How are you doing?
Yep, like that attitude of the mayor..
How's the back?
How's the back?
I'm so glad my dr appt is coming up. I've been taking vic constantly for 2 days, my son doesn't understand why I won't pick him up and I really want to go running. I will be very happy to know what the hell I managed to do to my freakin back!!!!!
Unlike the insensitive nisamcp
, I am pretty sure it is not a comet, and assweasel nor ninja monkeys...I hope you get better though....

Are you getting better?
Please forgive my pain killer induced rambling, consider that the warning label!!!
Love should give you butterflys, but not make you feel like your drowning. Love should be able to sit in silence listening to crickets. Love should be able to sit face to face w/ no boundaries. Love should be vaulnerable. Love should be trust, even if you are scared shitless.
I once though...
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Love should give you butterflys, but not make you feel like your drowning. Love should be able to sit in silence listening to crickets. Love should be able to sit face to face w/ no boundaries. Love should be vaulnerable. Love should be trust, even if you are scared shitless.
I once though...
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Sorry to hear about your back.....
I don't think there is many things harder than to love after getting hurt...
I don't think there is many things harder than to love after getting hurt...
I'm sure this isn't much consolation, but I really believe that those loves that turn out to not really be love are very important because we learn from them and appreciate real love when we find it. I had one and after him, I didn't even want to love anyone else again because I didn't want to go thru all that crap again. But then I met my now boyfriend and I let myself be vulnerable. Good luck with moving forward.
*pokes pictures that don't seem to be working*
Looks like you had some fun....Cool toga btw..