I had a really good Easter. I used to hate holidays, they were always just commercial, fake and stressful. But Sunday I just used it as an excuse to go see my family, let gabe see the newborn lambs and eat good food.

Life is so much more fun when taken less seriously smile
Thanks for the offer. I've got a sample resume now so hopefully I can make some progress.
yeah, for the most part I don't talk to to many people around here. I have my few I share with.

Rave tonight at Fantasia!! Just in case anyone's looking for fun and dancing!
And yea...the sweatlodge, although not one of those super spiritual experiences for me, really can change you perspective on things and/or help you get your mind right.
The world needs heros! lol!

Have you always lived in DE?
Random happy thought - Dancing in the sprinklers in center city after a night of clubbing smile smile I can't wait for summer
He was rightly named for bringing on a reckoning, in an amphibeous metamorphosis, the sun ceased to circle the moon and I left the water for the land where I grew roots based in reality
You've always been a shell of what you could be - and always thought yourself so much more, the world is full of fallen angels and false prophets, blindly following...
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your welcome smile
My son looks like a leper frown
A simple friend has never seen you cry.

A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names.

A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.

A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.

A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.

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I was wondering which one of us would post that first. wink
hi. how are you? wanna be my friend?
We finally got our kitten!!!!!

She's adorable, Gabriel named her Tiger Lilly. He's a little too rough, but he'll learn, and she'll get tougher.

I also learned how to change my own oil. I think I'm one up most the guys in the office now smile . It was fun, though learning anything from an ex leads to lots of bickering, fortunately we're close enough it's...
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Scew the knight in shining armor, i'll slay the damn thing myself. Or just make it squirm a lot and listen to it's whiny voicemail messages.

We all did think it was rather funny
I am nothing but a shell of the I once was,
So you can put me to your ear and actually hear yesteryears ocean.
I was in shape then, a much better built body of water with infinite waves and fathomless depths where you couldve gone deep sea fishing for complements and caught plentiful schools of reassuring comments.

You fell for the bait and got hooked on what you thought I was
now were both struggling to win this tug of war of his world where we breath the same air it's just done differently.
Now trying to figure out ways to comfortably survive outside your trap, compromiseing intelligence I dabble in watered down thoughts that flitered in from mainstream.

I'm offering mind altering ideas that make the most quiet nature dream, no scream from exposer to the types of things that won't necessarily make you happier, theyll just give you a greater range of emotions and I can feel myself getting lured into deeper oceans of fantasy lands where people think theyre as safe as cartoons simply because they speak in bubbles.

A sanitized safe haven where you can face The Devil and have his faith straightened. His new goal to dethrone Poseidon and have Neptunes place taken.
From this oversize aquarium that daddy kept cleanly to unhealthy degrees, writing suicide notes with invisible ink on transparencies and posting them to the glass boundaries that surround the seas of changes.

Strangely enough, while bringing back the reel, I could sense intense resistence so I had no other choice but to cut the line.
I'm not saying your overly naive I just think you should get into the habit of checking to see when strings are attached.
Fortunate for you I'm compassionate enough to through back what I catch if its underdeveloped and needs time to grow, though, unremorseful of the pain Ive caused
I still want to kiss your lips better.

I sympathize with the sorrow by stroking the scar of my own dramatic experience with my excommunicated tongue.
See I know exactly what you mean when you say it hurts to much to go there. Ive been there.
And dont plan on returning because no matter how much of the distence I kept or how long I waiting for the wounds to heal theyd reopen with the slightest flashback
so I sued time for malpractice, that bitch is a hag with a rusty scalpel and barbed wire stitch thread.

Instead of seeing things clearly they're pitch red and theres this glitch in my head thats got me thinking in contradictions it says "there are more fish in the sea, whether you hear me no , or you listen to me, whether you listen to me I said whether you listen to me. Hear me not. There are more microorganisms in my teardrops. But fear not, I'd never sink us low as to make my ears pop. And I imagine you only want to swim with members or your own league and dont need me meddling sending sonar signals, high pitched notes are symbols.

My voice is thrown far but ripples are only caused when you cast stones But you shouldnt throw rocks if you live in fragile fairytales.

See when you put a shell to your ear it's not the sound of crashing waves your hearing its the amplified current of your own cold bloodstream. It was your self pluses that created that false not so human illusion of me. Your tireless heart pumping out an ocean of lies and I foolishly try filling impossible shoes, resulting in my stumblings,
I fall into the trap of making water my element and I just can't get comfortable with the sea sickness.


a set of screwdrivers, a
cordless drill, and a black
lace bra...


one friend who always
makes her laugh...
and one who
lets her cry...


a good piece of furniture
not previously owned by
else in her family...


eight matching plates,
wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe
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It's ok Abgitatz, his mother is the one who sent it to me anyway. guess she sees something in me he doesn't, or maybe she just sees something in me, she wishes she saw in him.
Besides, at least i got the when to give up part right!

See you tomorrow night, oh, btw Alicia is bringing the kitten and G's aunt is probably stopping by to see it.
and it was sort of a monster, except when i turned the light on, i realized it was just a pathetic little boy who thought he was powerful. Someday, maybe you'll have a clue.
not the best, but fun to take a stab at it again miao!!

Yeah to young boys wink
Spinning til we fall
i lie on the floor, room spinning on
i let thoughts run through my mind,
loss and gains
sacrafice and claims
dreams abandoned,
or just given up
and dreams actualized
another life
before truely passing through the fire
before the tower,
the surrender still aches,
new found controll
sometimes still shaky
a life and identity sacraficed
leaves a strange emptyness
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went to a poetry reading, it was fun. left actually feeling like writing again. I haven't really written anything in years, i used to only write when i was angsty. Angsty got old, but i think i'll try writing again.. something more fun.

my son is amazing, he kept kissing my foot saying, "mommy has a boo boo" (I did frown )
*kiss* all better mommy...
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I haven't written anything in years either for the same reason. Apparently, I ran out of things to say when I cheered up. Of course, what I wrote back then wasn't very good anyway.... whatever