The obligatory family shot in front of the Christmas tree (albeit not our own tree--it actually belongs to the in-laws haha).

Christmas was really great. I was extremely thrilled by how grateful and appreciative my son was (at the ripe old age of 4) to be given his presents. He made me very proud by profusely thanking family members for gifts (including clothing!).

Next up is New Years Eve at our little house. We will be jam-packed with family and friends. I like to think of it as a very cozy gathering.

Best wishes for everyone to have a fun and safe NYE!
About the tea question, ghaha: bit of milk and tons of sugar, thankyoumuch. Coffee is the main thing here too, I dislike it tho, and since I met my misses I too have gotten into english tea. Best there is. Next to Maroccan tea that is, cus thas made with LOADS of sugar.
Bout my tattoo idea, I'll send you a sample in your private mail. It's not completely worked out yet, but my artist will put the finishing touches on it. He's better at that than I will ever be.
Have a great weekend, Jen!!!! *HUGGLES*