Silly! You don't have to send me anything. Your friendship already means the world to me. I'll give you my addy, but if anything, just send me a handwritten card or some. Oh and be sure to include your address too then!
The shopping was okay. I'm bummed out a little cus the gifts I had in mind for my girl didn't work out the way I wanted too. I have another day off on Monday, so I will have to go out and try some other ideas. All I really want for Christmas is for her and me to be together already! But not even God can arrange that, let alone Santa.
I can just about knit a square!
I'd love to get a Holga sometime. Have put it on my Xmas list to my family. Don't think I've got one though as they're not really up to speed with my strange photography likes. Might look into one next year after I've moved.
First off, I just got done breaking my back cleaning and needed some wind-down time before crashing (why does 3:30 a.m. come so quickly??). So basically I'm just being a bum and looking at a few things on the trusty internet.
Yay for matching sweaters then!! Love your second profile pic btw!!!!
Unfortunately I won't have days off, well my usual on Wednesday and today I only have to work from 5pm-9pm, so thas not too bad. You had a nice weekend??
Ghehe yesh, I've had an update-urge eventho I had nothing to say really.
How's things over there? As boring as here?!
Any weekend plans? I got nothing. Work today. Off tomorrow. I should do some. But I have no idea what.
As it's been hinted...repeatedly (thanks, Ape haha )....that I need to update.
Well, I've had and taken out a lip ring. As can be seen via profile images. Still working on other piercings tho... And I'm also planning a tattoo for my dreaded birthday in March. I think I've finally nailed down an idea I just have to work on it a bit.
I like the pic!! And THANX for finally updating, I mean, yesh I've gotten the All That Remains album due to your last blog, but still. Good to hear the fam is okay, do hope you find something decent in your line of work. Oh and quite a cute shirt you got on.
I've got a thing for All That Remains right now. Especially when exercising. The music gives me extra motivation somehow. haha
Life is rolling along well right now. Just waiting for a short trip to the beach that is supposed to take place in mid-July. Should be quite a good time.
One of these days perhaps I'll get around to updating pictures....
I like your new hair, got more pics of it?? Shame the lipring didn't work out tho. How's life over there?? How are you doing? How's your little family? How's work? TAAAALK to me, lady!!
I'm doing good, change in work was a good decision!! Also trying to get an appointement for my armpiece sometime soon. The appartement is still in the process of being completed. Love is going strong. Erm.. anything else you need updating on?
You and tipsy.. yeah I know what that leads to! More clumsyness!!!! Ghahahaha.
Your boy will prolly be up and running soon enough, just give him some time, not too much pressure.. he won't stay seated long once the cast is off, he'll be doing babysteps again asap.
I haven't got much planned for the weekend either, work today then attend a game of S.K.A.T.E. on Sunday, should be fun. A week from tomorrow I'm on the plane again heading for the UK for 2 weeks!! Reaaaally looking forward to that!
Good thing your belly isn't sore. My ear isn't either but then again mine wasn't bruised up or anything, ghaha. Yours should look cool tho, with the nipple piercings and now the bellybutton done too!! Plus your fam can't see any of em so you're still in the clear, ghahaha.
Have a great weekend and don't get too drunk, hmkay.. HUG
Lol. Guess I'll take your advice on taking my own advice then. Thanx for the advice, lady.
Yesh I still have my Monday off, shame your "weekend" got cut short. What kinda training is it?
Your boy up and running yet or still taking it (too) easy? How's your man btw, you never really talk about him....
ps. Yesh I took those pics actually, but they still amaze me cus the subject in em is so stunning.
I have pretty ordinary taste I'd imagine. I'm a rock girl. Straight forward enough. The most amazing band I have found, despite their short career of two albums, is Northstar. Unfortunately they've been split for a few years.
Lady!! How's everything going? Your boy healed yet or..? Haven't seen you arround here or msn much so am guessing you're pretty busy still. Hope work doesn't suck too bad! Over here all is going well, weather is starting to get nice and warm, end of the week I have a few days off and my girl'll be here, getting my ear done on Friday, Tattoo Con on Sunday. Things'll be ace!! So what you upto????
So.... did you manage to get the piercings done today or what?!
Of course we're gonna take tons of pics! AND post them. I'm working till Thursday eve, so my girl'll be here already when I get home. Then Friday off, Saturday work from 12-5, Sunday to Tuesday off again, and work on Wednesday. Fair amount of time off I'd say.
Not long till I get my ear done now.... am a little nervous for it BUT also very curious. It's weird how I actually WANT to know what it's gonna feel like, eventho I KNOW it'll be (at least a little) painful. We'll see how it goes tho, and if I don't put another blog up straight away I'll send you a pic through regular mail.
Right. Shower time!! Enjoi your day, lady! (You working or..?) *HUG*
Unfortunately I am back much too soon from my week's break from the daily grind. We took a whilrlwind trip that included Florida and other points south. We managed quick stops in Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA (on the way down) and Chattanooga and Knoxville, TN (on the way home). The first two locations were far superior to the last two, in my estimation. Of... Read More
Yesh I like that Aenygma set too, specially the second pic ..just a shame her face didn't come out to clear in that one, thas the only reason I didn't add it to my fav's. And Sash.. what can I say.. ghaha.. bullseye?
Good to hear your little man is doing well, hope he stays that way with the cast and all, ghaha. Over here everything's going good. Weather sucks big time, been raining for 2 weeks now. Doing some overtime this week, got nothing better to do anyways so thas okay, plus it'll give me more plus-hours to exchange for days off when my girl's over. Today would be the long one, but it's a national holiday here so "normal" people all have a day off, but we gotta work. Only from 10 to 5 tho (instead of till our normal 9) AND we get paid 200%, so no complaining here.
Thank you for the pic comment.
Hope your cam cooperates soon so you can d a proper update again. Haven't seen that big smile in a while, yaknow.... Ghehe. G'luck with your boy and talk to you soon, lady!! *HUG*
I like the new profile pic already, so cant even begin to imagine what the new hair pics are gonna be like!!
Ghehe, I.. inspired you? Weeeeird! But go right ahead, would be nice to see a new blog from you. How're things over there, your little man healing well? I hope so. You back to work yet? I figured no.... I worked a little extra this week, I'm glad I'm done now tho, got tomorrow off but then filling in for someone again on Monday. Next day off will be Friday. I'll survive, ghaha.
Lazy night planned now, prolly gonna watch a dvd or some. By myself. I don't feel like having people around, been feeling like that for a few days now. I mean there are a few I would LOVE to have around, but they aren't near. (my girl, or you, or someone else who just won't bug but will just chill and hang out, nahmean?)
My prior job was excellent. A museum with the less than spectacular name of the Miller House Museum (less than spectacular website as well haha). I would love to be the curator again. I miss it more than I can say. I'm tickled that the special the History Channel filmed at the museum last fall is FINALLY... Read More
lip rings are great
i have to take mine out becuase im going home, and i wasnt supposed to get one in the first place. my rentals said they wouldnt pay for college if i got any facial piercings =X
i've been swamped with school work, churning out a 12 page research paper, another french paper, spanish project, spanish test, french test.... too much work!
Lol. Yesh was just checking messages and the NL board, now off to shave and shower, ghaha. How exciting, morning routines. What you upto?? I'll sign into msn soon as I'm done....
Been a few hectic / busy days for me, ghaha, so sorry I didn't get back at you sooner, lady! Monday: daytime was websitework, eve was basketball in the sun, Tuesday: daytime work again, eve to the movies movies, Wednesday: daytime work, eve bball practice, Thursday: daytime and eve filled with work. Now it's Friday morn and I still have 3 days of work ahead of me. Fun ..NOT! Ghehe.
So, how's your week been so far??
I'm not really into hockey, or any other sports for that matter, simply cus they're not big over here so not shown on tv and such. The nly major thing over here is soccer ..and I detest that. Lol. I love bball, tho they don't show that on tv either. Practically the only sports I watch on tv are the xtreme games (when shown).
And as far as music goes, well, I like ALOT of things actually. I listen to indie hiphop, drumm-n-bass, metal, some rap, bit of punk / ska. Just depends on my mood really. We'll talk about that some more some other time, ghaha, cus the list f bands and artists I like is too long to post here. What concerts are you going to??
I gotta go shower and get this day started, hope you have a good day to! *BIIIIIIIIIG HUG*
The shopping was okay. I'm bummed out a little cus the gifts I had in mind for my girl didn't work out the way I wanted too. I have another day off on Monday, so I will have to go out and try some other ideas. All I really want for Christmas is for her and me to be together already! But not even God can arrange that, let alone Santa.
I'd love to get a Holga sometime. Have put it on my Xmas list to my family. Don't think I've got one though as they're not really up to speed with my strange photography likes.