To most of you, this means candy and costumes but to me it is something bigger. I am talking about the 35th annual Great Pumpkin Sacrifice.
At UNB there is a residence building called Harrison House, and they are home to the aforementioned Pumpkin Sacrifice (or P-Sac as it is also called), which is also the longest running residence tradition in CANADA!
Basically, it goes like this. Everybody in the house dresses in black robes, and they go on a big procession accross campus, carrying a HUGE pumpkin with them (In my first year it was over 700 lbs, this year its about 400!). The Great Pumpkin is blessed in front of Joy Kidd House (the reason being that Harrison used to be all male, and Joy Kidd all female, and the doubled as a way to impress the girls). After the blessing, the pumpkin is brought back to Harrison House to be lit up with fireworks and dropped off of the roof as a sacrifice for a good "academic harvest" to all residents of Harrison House.
This is the best image I could find of the pumpkin from my first year.
I really can't wait to watch the Sacrifice, its so fun. Everybody loves it, and we all go out and get drunk afterwards. Its a fun tradition haha.
Hope everyone out there has a Happy Halloween, I know I will!
To most of you, this means candy and costumes but to me it is something bigger. I am talking about the 35th annual Great Pumpkin Sacrifice.
At UNB there is a residence building called Harrison House, and they are home to the aforementioned Pumpkin Sacrifice (or P-Sac as it is also called), which is also the longest running residence tradition in CANADA!
Basically, it goes like this. Everybody in the house dresses in black robes, and they go on a big procession accross campus, carrying a HUGE pumpkin with them (In my first year it was over 700 lbs, this year its about 400!). The Great Pumpkin is blessed in front of Joy Kidd House (the reason being that Harrison used to be all male, and Joy Kidd all female, and the doubled as a way to impress the girls). After the blessing, the pumpkin is brought back to Harrison House to be lit up with fireworks and dropped off of the roof as a sacrifice for a good "academic harvest" to all residents of Harrison House.

This is the best image I could find of the pumpkin from my first year.
I really can't wait to watch the Sacrifice, its so fun. Everybody loves it, and we all go out and get drunk afterwards. Its a fun tradition haha.
Hope everyone out there has a Happy Halloween, I know I will!