ONE MORE DAY TILL NEW YORK! I can't fucking wait. It is going to be such a good fucking trip. I can't wait to see all the sights and take in all the culture. Its going to be so fucking awesome. We found out recently that Sonic Youth is playing a concert while we are there, so we are definitely checking that out, plus we...
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dude, thought I would bump your blog...can't remember how/when we friended on SG but thought I'd say hey. give your friends a shout as to how you're enjoying NYC.
Me and my friends JR and Damien are going to NYC in less than a week! Its exciting. I have never been there. We are having a bit of trouble right now though. There was originally supposed to be 6 of us going, but now there is just 3 so travelling is going to be a bit more expensive. Whatever, it will be worth it...
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I feel like I should update. There really isn't anything to write though:
-Still single
-work sucks
-summer over half done
yeah, thats about it.
-Still single
-work sucks
-summer over half done

yeah, thats about it.
I FINALLY have a fucking job. I am now the not-so-proud employee of a gas station. Woo-hoo. Its an alright job I guess, but the station is really slow and they make me do alot of bullshit busy work. Also, from what I can tell about them so far, my co-workers aren't exactly the cream of the crop. Oh well. A job is a job....
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yay, congrats on the job..hopefully u dont have to clean the restrooms...
"The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person. "
--Chuck Palahniuk
I am not much of a fan of the writing of Mr. Palahniuk, but I must say that truer words have never been spoken.
--Chuck Palahniuk
I am not much of a fan of the writing of Mr. Palahniuk, but I must say that truer words have never been spoken.
Finally moved into a new place last Thursday. Its nice, a 4 bedroom apartment. I don't have the same freedom as living in a house, but I still like it. Plus the new place is closer to campus and everything else, and the rent is cheaper so it all works out in the end.
I still don't have a job. I have been just sitting...
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I still don't have a job. I have been just sitting...
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Finding a job is so hard. I hate job hunting. It is even worse when you live in a university town. Alot of other students are snatching up all the good jobs. Hopefully I will find one soon enough though, it is really starting to stress me out.
I cant stop Student appyling for jobs where I work!
I would Hire you!
I would Hire you!
I'm on the same tedious hunt.
And you better believe I love social D! Thanks for the comment.
And you better believe I love social D! Thanks for the comment.
School is done. Exams are done. Just one year left. I got A-range grades on 4 of my 5 major term papers, so my GPA should increase.
...yet, I am not that content with things right now. Oh well.
...yet, I am not that content with things right now. Oh well.
Happy 420 to all my stoner friends out there on! Have a puff for me!

First exam tonight: American Poetry after 1900.
Shakespeare tomorrow, American Lit. on Saturday and Modern Europe on Monday. Then I am finished. I can't wait for it all to be over.
Shakespeare tomorrow, American Lit. on Saturday and Modern Europe on Monday. Then I am finished. I can't wait for it all to be over.
lucky duck

Got the internet back today. Its been awhile. I can't wait for May 1st when me and my roommates move into our new apt. building. Sure, we won't have as much freedom as in our current house, but the close proximity to campus, and cheaper rent make it worthwhile. Its going to be sweet.
I still think girls are confusing and frustrating. That same girl...
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I still think girls are confusing and frustrating. That same girl...
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I feel like I am going to be alone forever. It's probably not true, but I get in these moods every once in a while. I've just been really down about it lately. My friend introduced me to this girl, who was super cool. We hit it off instantly. I can't remember I had as much in common with someone, and we were just hanging...
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don't say that, about being stuck alone! my best friend says stuff like that, and drives me crazy. she, and you, are cool people. if you aren't with someone right now, it's probably for the best. chances are, someone who would really work with you in the awesome chemistry kind of way, as well as friend way, probably just isn't there right now. doesn't mean they won't be. and your adorable to boot, which doesn't hurt your case either.
about your great-uncle, sorry to hear he passed, I hope it was peacefully. that is amazing that he chose to leave that to you though! really something. ^_^ what a blessing, really.
I get the school thing, too. Lots of luck to you there! Mine is pretty intense, but not quite that level yet. I send you lots of good wishes and happy productive brain energy vibes.
about your great-uncle, sorry to hear he passed, I hope it was peacefully. that is amazing that he chose to leave that to you though! really something. ^_^ what a blessing, really.
I get the school thing, too. Lots of luck to you there! Mine is pretty intense, but not quite that level yet. I send you lots of good wishes and happy productive brain energy vibes.