OK, I need a favor.
If I ever die, could somebody come over and get all the things out of my house that would break my poor momma's heart? It's not much, just a little low-grade porn, and maybe tidy up if there are a bunch of booze bottles and cans laying around? Oh, and feed the dog. Thanks a lot.
When I die I'll e-mail you, and leave you a key and directions at the information desk at the Space Needle.
It's not "definatly." It's not "definately." D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y.
Sorry, end of the grammar nazi. That one just drives me fucking nuts.
OK, I can't let this one alone. Do you realize that in the Masturbation group, there is a thread title that has it spelled "masterbation?" In the Horror group, there is a thread title that has it spelled "horrer?" IT'S THE NAME OF THE FUCKING GROUP! IT'S RIGHT ON YOUR FUCKING SCREEN!
Now I'm done. For now.
Feeling a bit better about the job thing. Had a summit with the boss, and he explained this project I'll be taking over. This thing I'm doing right now is temporary, and he said having me sitting in a cubicle eight hours a day would be a waste. Thank god.
Basically, I have free rein on this project, which could turn into a license to kill. Though I'll really, really miss what I was doing before, I'll basically be paid to be a smart-ass, which is my strong suit.
If I ever die, could somebody come over and get all the things out of my house that would break my poor momma's heart? It's not much, just a little low-grade porn, and maybe tidy up if there are a bunch of booze bottles and cans laying around? Oh, and feed the dog. Thanks a lot.
When I die I'll e-mail you, and leave you a key and directions at the information desk at the Space Needle.

It's not "definatly." It's not "definately." D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y.
Sorry, end of the grammar nazi. That one just drives me fucking nuts.
OK, I can't let this one alone. Do you realize that in the Masturbation group, there is a thread title that has it spelled "masterbation?" In the Horror group, there is a thread title that has it spelled "horrer?" IT'S THE NAME OF THE FUCKING GROUP! IT'S RIGHT ON YOUR FUCKING SCREEN!
Now I'm done. For now.
Feeling a bit better about the job thing. Had a summit with the boss, and he explained this project I'll be taking over. This thing I'm doing right now is temporary, and he said having me sitting in a cubicle eight hours a day would be a waste. Thank god.
Basically, I have free rein on this project, which could turn into a license to kill. Though I'll really, really miss what I was doing before, I'll basically be paid to be a smart-ass, which is my strong suit.
You share it with my pops, but he's got a solid 20 yrs on ya.