On Wednesday I got one of the biggest haircuts in the history of Western Civilization. No more Hagrid or Viking look, just Paul Bunyan. 
I hadn't had a haircut since Europe, which was some 7 1/2 months ago (damn it feels like a long time ago). My beard was at its most savage proportions ever, but since it was about 50F the other day here I felt it was about time to do something about it.

As far as Europe goes, I just found out I have extended-extended family that goes to Croatia every year, in Opatija, in the NW of the country. Its my Grandpa's sister's daughter who goes and just today we were debating what type of family member that is...I mean what is her exact title?
I assume she'd be about the age of my Mother or thereabouts, so I'd want to say Aunt regardless of what the technical term is, but we are still debating what it could be. Is that 2nd cousin status? or 2nd cousin once removed or something?
I've heard both. Please get me out of the dark on this one!
So, this summer after I graduate (finally
) I plan on heading back abroad for a few weeks before moving to start my life up. I'm thinking Ireland/UK again and Croatia. I want to go see Iceland and Greenland, but I doubt I can get anyone to go with me, at least not this year and I'm not going by myself even if I do have 'connections' in Iceland.
I'm hoping I can end up going with my 'Aunt' to Opatija and I hope we can eventually go visit the cities where my family is from, in the province of Lika, known for producing the giants of Croatia. Then I'd head back to Dalmatia to hang out with all of my friends and have a great time like I did last summer.
We'll see how it works out. If you will be abroad in August in either of the UK or Croatia, give me a shout and we can get a pint or something.
Have a good weekend.
By the way, if you do like the Balkans, its music, culture, sports etc I stumbled across a site that may be of interest to you. Let me know and I'll send you a message with its info. Also, Dinamo and Hajduk are playing this weekend in the biggest match in Croatian football, I hope they put it on this site...
Lent +4

I hadn't had a haircut since Europe, which was some 7 1/2 months ago (damn it feels like a long time ago). My beard was at its most savage proportions ever, but since it was about 50F the other day here I felt it was about time to do something about it.

As far as Europe goes, I just found out I have extended-extended family that goes to Croatia every year, in Opatija, in the NW of the country. Its my Grandpa's sister's daughter who goes and just today we were debating what type of family member that is...I mean what is her exact title?
I assume she'd be about the age of my Mother or thereabouts, so I'd want to say Aunt regardless of what the technical term is, but we are still debating what it could be. Is that 2nd cousin status? or 2nd cousin once removed or something?
I've heard both. Please get me out of the dark on this one!
So, this summer after I graduate (finally

I'm hoping I can end up going with my 'Aunt' to Opatija and I hope we can eventually go visit the cities where my family is from, in the province of Lika, known for producing the giants of Croatia. Then I'd head back to Dalmatia to hang out with all of my friends and have a great time like I did last summer.
We'll see how it works out. If you will be abroad in August in either of the UK or Croatia, give me a shout and we can get a pint or something.
Have a good weekend.
By the way, if you do like the Balkans, its music, culture, sports etc I stumbled across a site that may be of interest to you. Let me know and I'll send you a message with its info. Also, Dinamo and Hajduk are playing this weekend in the biggest match in Croatian football, I hope they put it on this site...
Lent +4
There should be a folder of my stuff on my page - Let me know if you can't see it - this site's come all new fangled since I've been away!! urk!!
I'm hoping to be out there for about 3/4 days, all I can realistically afford, means limiting the sights i want to see - Vatican City is number One though and will defintely have one day spent on it - anything you'd recommend??
I think the colleseum has to be done really, just to make some lame gladiator reference and leave again!! I 'm not catholic so don't think I'll be atending the mass but I hae seen that you can apply to go. I think I would have if The last pope was still alive, there was something about him that the current doesnt seem to have.
I've heard it's dirty but that's just traffic crammed in to an old city, London's pretty grotty so quite used to it!! Do I recall right in the bus tickets can be bought for a day and you just scoot about?? I remember getting really confused the last time in Italy - I imagine getting tickets at major airports and tourist areas though will be easier ( and more in English!)
cheers for the help mate