It's a simple thing, just a ball and the goal.
But, once every four years that simple thing drastically changes the world.
It closes the schools, closes the shops, closes the city, and stops a war.
A simple ball feels the passion and pride of nations.
It gives people everywhere something to hope for.
It gives countries respect when respect is in short supply.
It does more than any politician could.
Once, every four years, a ball does the impossible.
And if history means anything, the world is about to change.
World Cup 2006
I'm going to Europe to partake in the greatest sporting event in the world. A tour of 15 countries or more, and hopefully some celebrations with fans all over the world.
This could be the biggest step I've taken in my life, and I expect to come back from this journey a new person.
I leave tomorrow to drive to Detroit, where I don't really have computer access. I'm flying out on Thursday to Dublin.
I probably won't get on much, but I'll probably put some updates in my blog if I can, so check there if you are interested in pictures and that shite.
I'll do a full update when I get back, but Ill probably pop in and make some journal comments here and there.
I hope everyone has an amazing summer. Don't miss the World Cup, at least try to watch a game to get what the sport is all about.
Soccer is the only sport that transcends political and social boundaries like no other sport can, in fact, its really the only one to do so.
It makes it mean more; it means that your lifestyle, thoughts and beliefs are on the line.
I hope you all support the US this summer, and I hope you all have as great of a summer as I will.
Fly the flag, USA 2006. Back July 15th.
Question- You linked to the free video previews on Bodybuilding Dungeon a while back....how do you get to them??
I am a member of BD now, but can't seem to find the free video previews....