This picture is awesome. There is no real reason to put it on here other than that. Now, back on topic....
I'm now semi-sorta-kind of moving to Toledo. Well, not me more like just my "family" but its still happening after less than a year in Columbus.
I don't think I spent more than two weeks there, but still it was a nice house that had a clubhouse for pool and a weight room.
I might go back for a few days this week since my roommate is kinda kicking me out since his girlfriend is coming. Not that I have anything to do in Columbus or friends there. I really just don't feel like driving anymore.
My Mom won't even be there, most likely in Toledo working, so I'll be there by myself with my mom's two cats. Not the exciting college lifestyle.
Toledo just seems pretty "meh" and its farther from my real home at my college house in Bloomington.
I guess I'm at my point in my life where "home" isn't where and what it used to be. Like a transitional phase that I probably went through when my Dad died and we left Minnesota.
You stay at some place for awhile, but its not home, then you finally try to set up the idea of home somewhere else, but its still unnatural and awkward for years until it figures itself out.
Since going to college "home" in Detroit has lost some of its luster, but it still has all of the things it had when I was growing up even if its changed.
Now, we've or rather my Mom has moved and the house she's in just has no appeal or homelike feeling. It'll be set back further now since we or rather she is moving out of Columbus.
Sigh. I need to find a place of my own.
17 days.
Yeah. But I can only afford a pup from the humane society. Too broke for a breeder. I like corgis and scotties. I'd love an english sheepdog but it's waay to hot for one here in KS. I wouldn't want it to not be all fluffy and hairy.