Indiana in the tournament, tonight at 9:40. I really hate my school for the most part, but I like our basketball team.
Spring break got off on the wrong foot for me, hopefully these next few days of March Madness can make up for it, but I doubt it.
I got out of school last Thursday and knowing that horrible Bloomington weather it was raining the entire weekend. Then add in two HUGE storms and it gets worse.
The second gargantuan storm took out my internet on early Sunday morning after I got back from lifting weights at about 3am.
Let me just say this, you never really know how much you depend on something until you lose it.
These last five days of no internet have driven me up the wall. All my friends have left for spring break and I decided to stay here and do work. Really, I didnt feel like driving and I just wanted to chill for a bit and get back into my workout routine.
So, no internet means I can't get to my assignments and materials for class or talk to any of my group members....or check news, watch sports, waste time etc.
And most importantly of all...submit a NCAA bracket. I wasn't able to do any research and I had to make my picks over the phone.

After enduring this all during a summer school semester last year, having no internet is a fate worse than death, especially when there is nothing to do and no one to talk to.
Also, the fact that these people didn't get around to fixing my internet till today was bothersome..it was always "we'll get to it..." I guess calling 15 times in the last few days worked finally.

The storm also fried my network card, so I had to get a new one of those. I have this problem when I go to Best Buy which I'm sure a lot of people also have.
Its the "I can't just buy what I came for, I have to get something else" problem. So, I got the special edition of Raging Bull as well as that card.

My teaching thing for this upcoming Tuesday has been cancelled (thank god) and now we will just do it the week after.
Had I known this before, I would have gone to Detroit as planned for St. Pat's but now I'm stuck here.
Mike Davis is a class guy. he had to replace a legend, in a tough league. Against all odds, he got IU to a fainl when it just happened to be Maryland's year. It would have been sad if he wnt out in the first round this year.