I put a new picture up, I figure I should update it since the days of my Decembeard.
By the way, that's not a camera flash, its my god-like aura.
Anyways, I also took this picture...and this is exactly how it came out, I didn't alter it at all.
It has led me to the conclusion, that I must be a ghost, or some kind of vampire.
Anyways, onto more important things, like the weekend.
I went to lunch at the usual Friday location to Scotty's in downtown Bloomington. Its nice to not get into a car accident every time I go there, but that was another journal.
Tonight its Friday Night Fights on ESPN headlined by Kassim Ouma, who has an amazing life story. He was born in war-torn Uganda and was kidnapped by the military when they raided his town as an infant.
"I was an instructor, a soldier and I saw a lot of killing," said Ouma, who had no contact with his family at the time. "We were just growing up, but we had guns. You try to escape, but you cannot. They put me in jail and took me back. They roughed me up, took my pants of and whipped me. After that, they took me to war again.
The fact that this guy got out of the country using boxing and now is making a name for himself in America really is one of those stories that only the sport of boxing could produce.
So, watch this fight if you get a chance.
Absinthe and the jeopardy drinking game might also figure into tonight, but I don't know yet.
My buddy from Detroit is coming down, so we'll hang out for a bit and then we are having a party for the Gatti/Damgaard fight in the evening.
USA's national team opens up against Norway, which leads me ot have second thoughts of having my picture display a "Norge" on it, but fuck it. Go United States.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
By the way, that's not a camera flash, its my god-like aura.

Anyways, I also took this picture...and this is exactly how it came out, I didn't alter it at all.

It has led me to the conclusion, that I must be a ghost, or some kind of vampire.
Anyways, onto more important things, like the weekend.
I went to lunch at the usual Friday location to Scotty's in downtown Bloomington. Its nice to not get into a car accident every time I go there, but that was another journal.
Tonight its Friday Night Fights on ESPN headlined by Kassim Ouma, who has an amazing life story. He was born in war-torn Uganda and was kidnapped by the military when they raided his town as an infant.
"I was an instructor, a soldier and I saw a lot of killing," said Ouma, who had no contact with his family at the time. "We were just growing up, but we had guns. You try to escape, but you cannot. They put me in jail and took me back. They roughed me up, took my pants of and whipped me. After that, they took me to war again.
The fact that this guy got out of the country using boxing and now is making a name for himself in America really is one of those stories that only the sport of boxing could produce.
So, watch this fight if you get a chance.
Absinthe and the jeopardy drinking game might also figure into tonight, but I don't know yet.
My buddy from Detroit is coming down, so we'll hang out for a bit and then we are having a party for the Gatti/Damgaard fight in the evening.
USA's national team opens up against Norway, which leads me ot have second thoughts of having my picture display a "Norge" on it, but fuck it. Go United States.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Todays game sucked. A lot.