I've just joined the site after browsing for awhile and I must say its very well done.
I'd heard of the site before off various programs like G4 and on HBO, but I'd never thought I'd sign up, until a friend of mine at college did.
To be honest, I've never done the whole online journal bit before, but I've thought about it.
Might as well give it a shot now since I have the option....and I'd rather write in here than do work for college.
I guess at this point going over a bit about myself would be a good idea.
I'm currently a senior at Indiana University, although I'll be here for a few years yet. I was originally a history major but I just switched over to secondary education last semester.
My dream is to own my own pub, or to do something in the beer and brewing industry, I'm not sure how teaching is going to get me there, but I have some ideas.
Either way, its practical knowledge and the classes are enjoyable and pertain to my summer job as a camp counselor.
Anyways, I'll be updating this and my profile a bit more over the coming days and I look forward to meeting fun and interesting people on this site.
I'd heard of the site before off various programs like G4 and on HBO, but I'd never thought I'd sign up, until a friend of mine at college did.
To be honest, I've never done the whole online journal bit before, but I've thought about it.
Might as well give it a shot now since I have the option....and I'd rather write in here than do work for college.
I guess at this point going over a bit about myself would be a good idea.
I'm currently a senior at Indiana University, although I'll be here for a few years yet. I was originally a history major but I just switched over to secondary education last semester.
My dream is to own my own pub, or to do something in the beer and brewing industry, I'm not sure how teaching is going to get me there, but I have some ideas.
Either way, its practical knowledge and the classes are enjoyable and pertain to my summer job as a camp counselor.
Anyways, I'll be updating this and my profile a bit more over the coming days and I look forward to meeting fun and interesting people on this site.
i live right next to bloomington ill. and i go to illinois state university...
funny..sort of.
There does seem to be quite a few Bloomingtons in the US.
I really haven't travelled extensively in Illinois by any means, but I really enjoyed Chicago when I went in June for the US vs. England international at Soldier Field.
It definitely lived up to the hype.