My god- May was my last post? Damn how time flies- I am officially older...really doesn't feel any different...I got my self a Blackberry and a Nikon zoom lens for early birthday presents- having fun with both of them...the Blackeberry is actually addictive....need to put SG on it- but still figuring it out- to anyone else with a web phone- download Opera- it actually works...
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I have decided that wasting away in margaritaville is not a bad way to spend the summer....more ......sometime
I am sooooo fucking tired of being the nice guy, the friend, ah, well, and the husband...I have been FUCKED FUCKED and FUCKED some more....I have always been the nice guy- the shoulder to lean on- the friend to depend on-and the guy who you can trust to pull your fat out of the fire...SO FAR I HAVE BEEN LEANED ON, DEPENDED IN, OLD RELIABLE...
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I'm ready for Spring like C R A Z Y!!
I don't know WHAT I was thinking with all this *I miss snow* bullshit!
Get me some sun and get it to me NOW!!!
I don't know WHAT I was thinking with all this *I miss snow* bullshit!
Get me some sun and get it to me NOW!!!
Well- here's a new and maybe interesting blog... I read in the paper the other day that the abandoned and foreclosed houses in some towns were becoming good places for the homeless to stay...two things:
Squatter's Rights...and the existing remnants of the Homestead Act....
Could get very interesting...especially if the squatters get lawyers...
could it get any better than for a homeless person to LEGALLY...
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Squatter's Rights...and the existing remnants of the Homestead Act....
Could get very interesting...especially if the squatters get lawyers...
could it get any better than for a homeless person to LEGALLY...
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Still grouchy- concerned about so so many things.... I've been grouchy lately, and every time I start to come out of it, something else happens, or I see something else to piss me off...tonight I was ready to leave a happier blog...but cable TV struck....flipping through channels and came across the Barret-Jackson car auction....kind of neat, but there is something wrong with cars... CARS... going...
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oh! I made your favorites!
it is too bad you're not in CO anymore!
Well- I have just about decided that at 36 years that I am just living life now...not to say that it seems good- it just seems more like living day by day, and trying to survive....if I only had something I really cared about, it might be different- but as it is, just seems like mission impossible just trying to make a living these days...and...
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What am I missing?! Explain it to me please...I'm too stoned to comprehend!
well- things changed- a lot instantly, or not at all... can't wait till spring, and can't wait till I can hit the' the first time instead of the ;is it the new smaller keyboards, or am I a typing fuckstick...who knows...
Well- demoted just in time for Christmas!! Last time I took a vacation with this damn company I was fired before my vacation over thanksgiving(five years ago), so I guess this is a step up....I gave up so much for four months....though I didn't want to run the damn thing, tired of my income depending on idiots, though, so stepped up and did it...and did...
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I think that this may be the worst time of year for me...I love being outside in spring and summer...getting home, working on the yard and the garden...maybe taking the boat out fishing...
I missed out on fall this year because I worked so many hours
My routine now is get up, shower, brush my teeth, and go to work...get bitched at about
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I missed out on fall this year because I worked so many hours
My routine now is get up, shower, brush my teeth, and go to work...get bitched at about
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My epitaph...he worked hard- but not hard enough...I am done- just going through the motions now...I am done putting out 120%...fuck them...I am ready to just die- it would be a tired....I just need to rest...not that far from just wanting to rest in peace....
Fuck You :Tuffy, and Ned
Fuck You :Tuffy, and Ned
Well- here we are back into the draggingly long work week that I have....11 into 65 plus-one would think I would get accolades for the hours I am putting in, but, no...just more complaining from the top...someone just shoot me and let's get it over with...and I am drunk on a monday night...not a good sign....