OK, after a few minor hiccups, I'm finally getting my set uploaded this weekend! A long wait since my decision to apply, but hopefully it'll all pay off very soon...

Eeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Happily nervous! miao!!
Yay, congratulations. Can't wait to see what happens biggrin

I cant actually understand the model release - its way too technical and worded stupidly. I've seen easier to read contracts.
Awwwwwww shhh youblush
I think now the shoot is predominately bondage..I want fetish frown Hopefully I can convince that guy on the day...oh - and as soon as you hear from SG about your set - EMAIL ME! STRAIGHT AWAY!!!

I'm bored. And poor. And it's Friday and I have no plans for tonight. Now usually that wouldn't bother me, but considering that I now have a boyfriend, and I'm not desparately depressed anymore, I kinda wanna go out an do something fun. I know what you're going to say - "why not call your boy and do somethin with him?" Well, because he needs...
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Thanks hun, I'm so comin over as soon as I get the $$$ kiss

If i had the money - I'd come overfrown
Except I have to work on boxing day...which is why i'll be alone for xmas lol....hmmmmm...
I know hes not worth the effort..but i still try.
HURRAH!!!!! I'm one step step closer to being a real live Suicide Girl!!! I just got home from my shoot, which went swimmingly!!! Location was awesome, costume and makeup were immaculate, and the props were perfect!!! We didn't even have any interruptions, which was pretty damn amazing considering we were in a semi-public building in the middle of the afternoon during the school holidays...we got...
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I'll email you some of the edited ones later on.

I'm just gunna give up - theres nothing I can salvage; theres maybe only 10 shots that are actually useable.

Its not the photographers fault, its the location and lighting that failed us.

blush aww thank you! kiss
I'm so bored. Not to mention disappointed. After all the thought and effort I've been putting into organising my SG shoot (and I am NOT generally an organiser of anything, to which my bedroom would attest) - costumes, props, cookie recipes...it's now been postponed for the second fucking time!!! OK, so the first time it was kinda my fault, being shattered after spending half of...
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Awwww, sorry to hear about your shoot being postponed again...i really cant wait to see pics from it smile and I REALLY want to see your pink hair tongue...(regardless of the fact that you have a picture of it up but ehh)

Anyway, hope things are all well with you, sorry for not being in chat for the last couple of weeks - shaped internet n such, but its fixed again so I should be on 2nite smile

I was accepted into the gothic community last night, at the MUSEUM of all places! I heard through a friend about th opening of a new exhibition at th Auckland Museum...it's called Loli-Pop and it's basically a showcase of Gothic Lolita fashion (as made "famous" by the girls in Harajuku). It's quite small (4 dresses and 1 men's outfit) but it was still really cool,...
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I love Harajukubiggrin I mean yes Gothic Lolita is the original..but stilltongue

Yes! Pictures of pink hair! I want to see tongue
blush Thank you.

And yes. The Emo thing is very annoying. I once came across a young guys page that said. "I love my girlfriend, if I lost her I'd kill myself." However he then went on to say "I also have a cat. I love him. If he dies I'll kill myself or hurt myself." I just, can't, I don't, I mean...What the fuck?

HURRAH!!! I have good news!!!! I HAVE PINK HAIR AGAIN!!!!! OK, so it's just fresh, an is still a very dark purpley magenta, but after a couple of washes its gonna be AWESOME!!!!!

Also, my flatmate is in Zambia for 3 weeks, and has promised to bring me back a black baby. I'm stuck on names though...should I call it Sambo or Golliwog? Tough call......
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YAY for pink hairsmile Photos??
My profile pic was taken just after I got it done...I tried to upload another (better) one, but for some stupid reason it didnt want to work frown
I'm in the middle of my application to become a SG, so hopefully I'll have a set up soon enough love