OK, I figure it's time I replace that last blog, so here goes.
For those of you that don't already know, I've recently (about two and a half weeks ago) left NZ for a life in Adelaide, South Australia (the city of nevynII).
Overall it's a great thing, but it hasn't been all wine and roses. I was working in pretty much my dream job, was going to be promoted this month had I stayed, there was a job going in the Adelaide branch that I and my manager thought I'd get, but didn't. So here I am, in a foreign city (well, sort of, I do have friends here, we all speak English [some better than others] and I don't need a visa) with no job lined up. I have an interview tomorrow for a specialist bookstore that I'm 90% certain I'll get, but if I don't, I'm pretty much screwed. I've been fortunate enough to have found a cheap place to live, and have a few good friends, but since I was unemployed for so long before my last job (that I was only in for 3mths), my savings are almost depleted. I have enough rent for two more weeks and a little bit extra. One of my friends has offered to take me food shopping this weekend, so at least I won't go hungry, but if I don't get this job I honestly don't know how I'll be able to pay rent.
But other than stressing over money, I couldn't be happier to be here. I finally feel like I'm at home, a feeling I haven't had since I was 14, so basically half my life. We moved around a lot, and the closest thing I had to a "home" that I could always go to was my grandmother's, so this in itself is a big thing. I have friends that although I haven't known for long, I know I can trust them implicitly. The ice cream is cheaper, the pastries tastier and the kangaroo is cheaper (for the most part) than beef. The weather is better, once I start working I'll be able to afford my own place (no frustratingly ignorant roomies stopping me from walking around the house naked), the list goes on. Yes I miss my family but I know I've made the right decision in moving.
And then, there was the ball. The SGAU ball that I've been wishing I could go to for the last few years. This was one of the reasons I came when I did, I wanted to be in the country in time to attend. Nev and I flew in for the weekend and we all had an amazing time. I painted a slip and went as a naked sim (the theme was video games) and we found nev a Gandalf the Grey costume. It was really good to see everyone, whether again or for the first time, although I must say I was surprised at how little I was groped during the night (apart from by TFOK), maybe I'm losing my touch now I'm nearing 30...I drank a lot more than I was intending to (I hadn't drunk alcohol in a good few months before this) and made a bit of an idiot of myself in certain respects, but what's an SG meet without a bit of that? Then hungover (for most of the others mwahahaha) brunch the next day then off to the airport to fly away home. Overall a fantastic weekend, and I hope I can make it next year, wherever it may be.
So all in all, there have been some massive changes in my life in the last month or so, some good, some stressful, but I have to say I'm loving my life right now
Love you all
For those of you that don't already know, I've recently (about two and a half weeks ago) left NZ for a life in Adelaide, South Australia (the city of nevynII).
Overall it's a great thing, but it hasn't been all wine and roses. I was working in pretty much my dream job, was going to be promoted this month had I stayed, there was a job going in the Adelaide branch that I and my manager thought I'd get, but didn't. So here I am, in a foreign city (well, sort of, I do have friends here, we all speak English [some better than others] and I don't need a visa) with no job lined up. I have an interview tomorrow for a specialist bookstore that I'm 90% certain I'll get, but if I don't, I'm pretty much screwed. I've been fortunate enough to have found a cheap place to live, and have a few good friends, but since I was unemployed for so long before my last job (that I was only in for 3mths), my savings are almost depleted. I have enough rent for two more weeks and a little bit extra. One of my friends has offered to take me food shopping this weekend, so at least I won't go hungry, but if I don't get this job I honestly don't know how I'll be able to pay rent.
But other than stressing over money, I couldn't be happier to be here. I finally feel like I'm at home, a feeling I haven't had since I was 14, so basically half my life. We moved around a lot, and the closest thing I had to a "home" that I could always go to was my grandmother's, so this in itself is a big thing. I have friends that although I haven't known for long, I know I can trust them implicitly. The ice cream is cheaper, the pastries tastier and the kangaroo is cheaper (for the most part) than beef. The weather is better, once I start working I'll be able to afford my own place (no frustratingly ignorant roomies stopping me from walking around the house naked), the list goes on. Yes I miss my family but I know I've made the right decision in moving.
And then, there was the ball. The SGAU ball that I've been wishing I could go to for the last few years. This was one of the reasons I came when I did, I wanted to be in the country in time to attend. Nev and I flew in for the weekend and we all had an amazing time. I painted a slip and went as a naked sim (the theme was video games) and we found nev a Gandalf the Grey costume. It was really good to see everyone, whether again or for the first time, although I must say I was surprised at how little I was groped during the night (apart from by TFOK), maybe I'm losing my touch now I'm nearing 30...I drank a lot more than I was intending to (I hadn't drunk alcohol in a good few months before this) and made a bit of an idiot of myself in certain respects, but what's an SG meet without a bit of that? Then hungover (for most of the others mwahahaha) brunch the next day then off to the airport to fly away home. Overall a fantastic weekend, and I hope I can make it next year, wherever it may be.
So all in all, there have been some massive changes in my life in the last month or so, some good, some stressful, but I have to say I'm loving my life right now

Love you all

Let me know if you ever need anything, please!