OK guys, finally time for a new blog!!!
So much has been happening in the last few months, I've been meaning to update my blog but always thought "when this happens..." or "as soon as this is resolved...". But now, as I find myself about to disappear from SG for a month, I can put it off no longer.
I have officially given up looking for a job. After only 3 interviews in 6 months (one didn't get because the store closed down, one I never heard from again, and the most recent one where I was one in SIX HUNDRED applicants) all for just above minimum wage, I became rather disillusioned.
After a trip down to see mum and "the kids", and spending most of the week with my 5yo sister at her first week at school, I was inspired to apply for a teaching degree. I've always loved kids and as you can all imagine, I am just SO over competing against 17yo for minimum wage jobs in retail. A 3yr degree, starting in July, means I'll be 30 by the time I graduate, but at least I'll have a career at the end of it. Not to mention pretty much guaranteed jobs, decent pay and awesome holidays!!
But as I'll still be on the sickness benefit til then, struggling to pay bills AND eat (two very important things n my life), my lovely mother has offered to have me stay rent-free til I need to be back in Auckland to study. I'll still be keeping my stuff here, and paying rent, but I wont have to pay for power/phone/internet/food, so I can concentrate on paying off debt. And so I shall be away from SG for about a month, since I shall be returning mid April for a week or two. I leave my Sunday morning (US Saturday, UK Saturday night, AUS middle of Saturday night) and I shall miss you all (well, most of you
) frightfully.
Apart from this, my major news is not that major, although I'm sitting here with two less teeth than I had four days ago, but more pain and possibly less weight, since the antibiotics that prevented me from drinking copious amounts on St Paddy's day have kept me constantly nauseous. So I've stopped them - I threw up when I took them without food, and threw up when I took them with food, so figured what's the point taking them at all if they're only going to come back up again?
I'm FINALLY going to see Alice in Wonderland tomorrow, CANNOT WAIT!!!!! Though sadly, the aforementioned lack of teeth means I cant eat popcorn, but hey, it's gonna be AWESOME!!! And yes, I'll be wearing my Mad Hatter t-shirt and stripey suspenders, because I'm that geeky! I know it seems strange to buy the t-shirt before I saw the film, but it's a neccessary addition to my Johnny Depp t-shirt collection (2 Cry Baby, one Edward Scissorhands) and my Tim Burton t-shirt collection (Edward Scissorhands and NMBC)
I'm also doing a piece for a local art exhibition. Not finished yet (I'll be up all hours tomorrow night getting it done), but I'll post pics when I get back in April. May get them up on facebook sooner, but we shall see.
I'm also getting new glasses, still mainly for reading, but the cutest frames ever!! Again, will post pics in April (sooner on FB)

to all
So much has been happening in the last few months, I've been meaning to update my blog but always thought "when this happens..." or "as soon as this is resolved...". But now, as I find myself about to disappear from SG for a month, I can put it off no longer.
I have officially given up looking for a job. After only 3 interviews in 6 months (one didn't get because the store closed down, one I never heard from again, and the most recent one where I was one in SIX HUNDRED applicants) all for just above minimum wage, I became rather disillusioned.
After a trip down to see mum and "the kids", and spending most of the week with my 5yo sister at her first week at school, I was inspired to apply for a teaching degree. I've always loved kids and as you can all imagine, I am just SO over competing against 17yo for minimum wage jobs in retail. A 3yr degree, starting in July, means I'll be 30 by the time I graduate, but at least I'll have a career at the end of it. Not to mention pretty much guaranteed jobs, decent pay and awesome holidays!!
But as I'll still be on the sickness benefit til then, struggling to pay bills AND eat (two very important things n my life), my lovely mother has offered to have me stay rent-free til I need to be back in Auckland to study. I'll still be keeping my stuff here, and paying rent, but I wont have to pay for power/phone/internet/food, so I can concentrate on paying off debt. And so I shall be away from SG for about a month, since I shall be returning mid April for a week or two. I leave my Sunday morning (US Saturday, UK Saturday night, AUS middle of Saturday night) and I shall miss you all (well, most of you

Apart from this, my major news is not that major, although I'm sitting here with two less teeth than I had four days ago, but more pain and possibly less weight, since the antibiotics that prevented me from drinking copious amounts on St Paddy's day have kept me constantly nauseous. So I've stopped them - I threw up when I took them without food, and threw up when I took them with food, so figured what's the point taking them at all if they're only going to come back up again?
I'm FINALLY going to see Alice in Wonderland tomorrow, CANNOT WAIT!!!!! Though sadly, the aforementioned lack of teeth means I cant eat popcorn, but hey, it's gonna be AWESOME!!! And yes, I'll be wearing my Mad Hatter t-shirt and stripey suspenders, because I'm that geeky! I know it seems strange to buy the t-shirt before I saw the film, but it's a neccessary addition to my Johnny Depp t-shirt collection (2 Cry Baby, one Edward Scissorhands) and my Tim Burton t-shirt collection (Edward Scissorhands and NMBC)
I'm also doing a piece for a local art exhibition. Not finished yet (I'll be up all hours tomorrow night getting it done), but I'll post pics when I get back in April. May get them up on facebook sooner, but we shall see.
I'm also getting new glasses, still mainly for reading, but the cutest frames ever!! Again, will post pics in April (sooner on FB)

I hope that your health improves in the mean time!