I was accepted into the gothic community last night, at the MUSEUM of all places! I heard through a friend about th opening of a new exhibition at th Auckland Museum...it's called Loli-Pop and it's basically a showcase of Gothic Lolita fashion (as made "famous" by the girls in Harajuku). It's quite small (4 dresses and 1 men's outfit) but it was still really cool, with pictures of real people both in Japan and in New Zealand. At least half the people at the opening were dressed up, and of course I couldn't not dress up. I wore a long deep blue full-ish skirt, and a black and white corset, an made a cape from a length of black velvet, tied with black ribbon. Not so much Lolita as it was gothic, but the pink hair (mostly in ringlets) certainly helped.
I'll post pictures when I get them
I'll post pictures when I get them

Yes! Pictures of pink hair! I want to see
And yes. The Emo thing is very annoying. I once came across a young guys page that said. "I love my girlfriend, if I lost her I'd kill myself." However he then went on to say "I also have a cat. I love him. If he dies I'll kill myself or hurt myself." I just, can't, I don't, I mean...What the fuck?