1: moral anguish arising from repentance for past misdeeds; bitter regret
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French remors, from Medieval Latin remorsus, from Late Latin remordere (to bite again).
Funny story:
A friend of mine was at a bar in Germany recently. Several patrons, seeing that he was a newcomer, pointed out a certain individual to him. They warned him not to buy this man drinks or encourage his rowdy behavior in any way, explaining that he was mostly harmless but prone to inebriated displays of extreme silliness.
So, of course, my friend proceeds to get this strange fellow quite plastered.
At some point during the evening, this guy starts pulling out his genitals. He proceeds to pick up an empty beer bottle, lays his scrotum on the hardwood table, and uses the bottle to wail on his sack with such vigor that other peoples' drinks almost got knocked over. After thirty seconds or so, he justs stuffs his junk back in and goes about his business.
Turns out the guy used to have testicular cancer and he got one of his testes replaced with a ball of cork.
1: moral anguish arising from repentance for past misdeeds; bitter regret
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French remors, from Medieval Latin remorsus, from Late Latin remordere (to bite again).
Funny story:
A friend of mine was at a bar in Germany recently. Several patrons, seeing that he was a newcomer, pointed out a certain individual to him. They warned him not to buy this man drinks or encourage his rowdy behavior in any way, explaining that he was mostly harmless but prone to inebriated displays of extreme silliness.
So, of course, my friend proceeds to get this strange fellow quite plastered.
At some point during the evening, this guy starts pulling out his genitals. He proceeds to pick up an empty beer bottle, lays his scrotum on the hardwood table, and uses the bottle to wail on his sack with such vigor that other peoples' drinks almost got knocked over. After thirty seconds or so, he justs stuffs his junk back in and goes about his business.
Turns out the guy used to have testicular cancer and he got one of his testes replaced with a ball of cork.
hahaha, weird and funny at the same time!!