Massive...amounts of data...clogging my brain...
When I close my eyes, I can see Excel spreadsheets scrolling by, thousands of rows of numbers and formulas and codes streaming behind my tired lids.
Yep, it's a knock-down, drag-out fight to the finish--me versus a billion or so bacterial cells. Sometimes I wish I could just shrink myself down to their size and fucking tear them apart with tooth and nail. It'd be much more satisfying than lysing them with osmotic pressure.
Yeah, that would be awesome! I'd be all like, "You think you're so tough, don't you, pSHR47H13! Well, I got news for you buddy--I'm about to rip that piece of sorghum DNA out of your guts! What do you think about that?!" And he'd be all like, "No, please don't hurt me! I'm so sorry for fucking up all your experiments and driving you mad!"
But I'd kill him anyways.
At any rate...
I shouldn't be bitching too much. Life is still beautiful. Weird, but ineffably beautiful.
Or perhaps life is normal, and it's me that's weird.
Change is coming--and not a moment too soon. I am ready to metamorphose.
It hurts a little sometimes, but you know what they say...birth is always painful.
Massive...amounts of data...clogging my brain...
When I close my eyes, I can see Excel spreadsheets scrolling by, thousands of rows of numbers and formulas and codes streaming behind my tired lids.
Yep, it's a knock-down, drag-out fight to the finish--me versus a billion or so bacterial cells. Sometimes I wish I could just shrink myself down to their size and fucking tear them apart with tooth and nail. It'd be much more satisfying than lysing them with osmotic pressure.
Yeah, that would be awesome! I'd be all like, "You think you're so tough, don't you, pSHR47H13! Well, I got news for you buddy--I'm about to rip that piece of sorghum DNA out of your guts! What do you think about that?!" And he'd be all like, "No, please don't hurt me! I'm so sorry for fucking up all your experiments and driving you mad!"
But I'd kill him anyways.
At any rate...
I shouldn't be bitching too much. Life is still beautiful. Weird, but ineffably beautiful.
Or perhaps life is normal, and it's me that's weird.
Change is coming--and not a moment too soon. I am ready to metamorphose.
It hurts a little sometimes, but you know what they say...birth is always painful.
Change is forcing me to metamorphose as well, and I'm trying to not fight it tooth and nail. (change scares stari girls . . .
Good luck taking down those pesky non-cooperative cells. (Damn them!
[Edited on Mar 11, 2004 11:53AM]