I just came back from a Dr.'s Appt. to discover that according to him I'm 200lbs Overweight. and of course wants me to cut-back on the usual foods (fast food, pop, ect.) I need the caffine for my job to keep me awake since what i do is pretty demanding.

I have to walk 30 mins a day for the sake of walking and now...
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awee i am glad you liked the poem...... thanks for taking the time to look over my set as well.... your support is great to have.... feel free to stop by any time and chat!!! Hope to talk soon... Have a good Thursday night!
of course i would love to read some of your poetry... let me hear it!
It's been Day 3 since I joined S.G. on December 15th.

I grew up not telling the difference between a joke and a harsh insult and as a result I get blocked by the S.G. Odette becuase I got into an argument with her friend.

I'm now already thinking of quitting S.G. soon since I'm going through Drama in both the chatroom and I got...
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For some of the people out here for my first blog A Rant from Foamy The Squirrel about forums & close-minded blogger assholes


