Day 3 of my new work enviroment, I ended up being sent home early due to an embarassing perdicament regarding the back of my fatigue pants being torn at the ass part from an accident on the job. (weird I know.)
and the worst part is I loved those pants. It was a pair of Military Fatigue Pants I've had for the past 6 years....
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Here's something Funny to share with Everyone:

For those who don't remember long ago the tv channel WB (before it turned into CW) Tried to Remake the Looney Tunes and give it a superhero spin called "Loonatics:Unleashed" The weird thing was that the original Loonatics character designs were Re-Designed because they were too scary for kids. These Two Vids make fun of the Controversey that...
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Starting Tomorrow on Monday January 5th I'll start my First day on the job since Friday was just a "transitional day" I've seen the new work enviroment and I'm having a sense of dread since It's so small and confined, If that's not enough my legs are somehow sore and in pain and my new locker is too small to fit most of my usual...
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David, I'm sorry you are truly misunderstood. But honestly, it goes both ways. I have done nothing but stand up for you. I treat you no differently than I treat anyone else in that room, and so do a lot of the other people in there. The thing is, you often take things the wrong way. We all give each other a lot of shit, and it's not because we're mean people. There are some assholes in there, I'll give you that. But when II see shit go down between you and someone who has otherwise always come across as a sweetheart, questions are raised. A lot of us have been in there awhile, and have formed great friendships, so we know when another person is joking around. Don't take things so personally, and before you go pointing fingers and claiming absolute innocence, perhaps you should evaluate the situation from someone elses perspective. You
ve brought a lot of this on yourself by pulling some really fucked up moves. I understand that you were truly ignorant of your actions, and that any offense that you've caused was unintentional. But chat functions just like the real world. People aren't so forgiving when you fuck up, and bonds don't always instantly happen. I'f you're socially awkward in real life, chances are it won't be much different. I'm not saying that you deserve all the shit you've been getting, because you don't. I think it's crap that people go out of their way to prey on you. I've taken a stand for you quite often, and I think it's a shame you fail to realize that not everyone is out to get you.
Strider, don't take anything lay has to say personally. We can all be immature, but I love that girl. I don't condone what she did. I know she didn't take anything that she said seriously, she honestly wasn't offended, I know for a fact that she didn't honestly think you were saying anything racist, haha, as fucked up as it is. She did however, know that you would take it to heart, and that it would fuck with your head. Whether or not you blocked me or not, I honestly am sympathetic toward you, and would've said the same shit otherwise. I might crack some assinine jokes, but that's just my humour. I mean no malice towards anyone and I don't like seeing people get taken advantage of. You simply made the mistake of taking something I had to say completely the wrong way. Either way, your best bet is to just not give a damn about any of this silliness. They feed off of your reaction, don't give them anything to add fuel to the fire.
I don't know if this topic was ever brought up to discussion in the past or not but knowing that many of us come from different walks of life we all were somehow introduced to the Suicide Girls.

Whether it was an HBO Real Sex Episode, a Showtime Documentary, The CSI:NY episode, A random episode of Californication, or have met somebody associated with it at...
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Thank you for your lovely comment !
If a little girl can make sexy an american cake it's so cool ! smile
Have a nice day boy !
I just got back from work earlier than usual on a Friday, It turns out we simply had to move to another building for our working operations and simply start work on Monday. I didnt have much to do other than clean out my locker to fill up another, Afterwards if we wanted to we could simply pick up our check and go home.

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i want a sweet back pack with my initials on it.
i'll have to talk my work into doing that, although they'll just say "what the fuck do you need a backpack for?!"
eh, worth a shot. tongue
Happy New Year MOFO!
Thanks for posting the foamy. I needed the laugh.
Aww Strider I do feel bad for you. I get to see the shit they have put you through. Join some more groups and get involved. I enjoy both. Yeah, girls aren't going to have problems like you in chat- cause they are girls, and girls and girls have this power... guys on the other hand... pretty much are viewed as a creep until you prove yourself. One of the girls that commented before me actually blocked my friend (and he is a great guy) for no reason and then unblocked him the next day. Hmm... funny. Keep your head up. I told you earlier how to deal with it. Take my advice. Its not worth the hassle, bother or worry. Really its not. You can still have the full SG experience without having that experience tarnished by a select few. Fuck em.
ha confused with topics...

chat is what it is... its 50 million thoughts at once. but you have to e=ralize many of the ppl know each other well and are gaurded. like any ope social group you have to actually get to know them... if people think cht is a fun easy welcome everyone crowd its stupid ad would make it no less then yahooo chat.

cute. but unfortunately i dont have psp huhuh frown
It sort of was. Well, it wasn't. But once it was done, I felt that resemblance too. Hence the name Video Arena, often refered in the movie itself.

I play Devil May Cry too!
My Christmas went ok, I ended up getting for Christmas The PSP Game King of Fighters Orochi Saga, and the PS3 Game MK VS DC. Then a new Deep Fryer and an Electric Griddle.

I know i'm a noob but for one of my new years resolutions i'm not going to take shit from judgemental people on or offline. If you fuck with me on...
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Yeah,. ppl often tell me I look like bulma, from dragon ball..
thank you darling. ^__^
and merry christmas to you too!
Thanks for the comment on my new set! kiss

This is to all Those who have a Myspace Profile:

Eversince the RIAA Historical Use act it's been esatblisthed that copyright laws are being further enforced and because of these new laws Myspace is cracking down on people with playlists from sites outside myspace.

Myspace has sent this message to my G/F and all those who have Project Playlist Profiles:

Your Project Playlist widget has...
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I'm going to try to take the hearse, and do a photoset with the car and a casket!
Thanks for the comment on my set! I hope you're doing well.
About the problem some of you out there may possibly have regarding Antivirus 360 bombarding you in S.G. Chat I found a loophole out of it. Note: this is only if you have Internet explorer

It turns out that all you have to do is highlight and copy the url


then when you copy the link go to "tools" then "Internet Options" select "Restricted...
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ahah! tkx! witches are hot wink !
Thanks for the comment on my "Lunch Lady" set! smile
