Holy long time. It's been forever and a day. Ugh so much so much. Well I'm a supervisor now. But w/e it's lame. I'm only taking so that I can get the experience of being one so that I can go else where. Cause I can't stay where I'm at forever. Need more money. Possibly back for some schooling? Maybe I don't know. Also thinking...
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Haven't written in here for some time. Not that it really matters but oh well I can convince myself it means a damn.

I really don't have much to say. I'm tired and would love to just fall asleep for a couple of days. I usually get my down season in Spring and it approaches. I feel it already and it's pissing me off.

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Well my New England trip comes to an end. I'd say I'm ready to go back, don't want to be around my father anymore then I have to. Tomorrow night the ship sets sail back to the south. I will say it was pleasent being back up in the North for a while.

Dunkins, Teddy's subs, the 99, Ash, Sarai, Ricky, Lisa, and others twas...
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Tonight I leave for New England. Such a wonderful spot. Damn roads are gonna be total hell. Satans highway bitchs. I'm gonna have so much fun...I hope I do at least. But I know I'll miss my baby so that part sucks. Leaving in roughly 11 or 12 hours. Later bitchs. wish me luck on the road that I don't die. skull
Tiredness is creeping in over my body to suck me dry of energy...oh energy is gone now. Damnit. skull

I hate new people at work that don't know what the fuck they are doing and your the one that gets stuck with them. I hate people that have been working for a couple of weeks and the new people know more then they do even more...
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I hate the holiday season. First off it's a bunch of shit I don't even believe. Then it's just utter chaos for a few months and it's expensive. But sitting here listening to my awesome techno makes everything a ok. For now I suppose. Blah surreal

I have seen corpse bride and madagascar the other night. Good movies. Hey Ash you were right about the Madagascar...
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I was right about...? Refresh my memory, please.

Also: New cell phonage should be here tomorrow if not today. I'll send you my new number as soon as I know it.

And: The 16th, aye? How long are you staying? I know...you've told me a million times, probably, but I don't remember any of them.
KMK was amazing as I figured they would. They rocked hardcore. I was able to talk with Lou Dog for about 10-15 minutes which was cool. Free autographed poster as well. Good night then went to Taco Bell. mmmmmm. But anyways...happy christians murdered indians day to all. Later fuckers
Tomorrow night brings Kottonmouth Kings to Atlanta! biggrin I'm excited without a doubt. Blaze is going to be there as well which is amazingly amazing. Josh might be coming with me which is cool, nothing like some company. I wish however, that my concert goer crew was going (which consists of 1 or 2 people). Meh I'm sure I'll have fun regardless. Yayness.

Stupid ass drama...
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Hatebreed, Most Precious Blood, Full Blown Chaos, and a few other local metal bamds rocked hardcore cock on Friday! It was an awesome show! That is all.
Friday brings Hatebreed to Atlanta, which of course means it brings me as well! I can't wait. I might go see Converge on Saturday as well. Not sure yet cause of that thing called money. Oh but I have Saturday off which is amazing!

I'm fucking tired. I bought the anniversary collection of Mega Man the other day. Well worth the 17 dollars for some...
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Hey, queer! I called you the other day. Did Marc tell you? shocked

No vagina for you! Ha! tongue
Tomorrow I'm getting my tooth fixed! I can't fucking wait. It's driving me crazy, not crazy like "Ouch it hurts." but crazy like grrr I need to fix you. It's gonna cost me somewhere between $65-105. Not bad to save my front tooth.

This weekend the crew is supposed to be coming over to watch scary movies and just chill. I hope my baby gets...
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Today is my day off and I'm just chillin. But yeah so anyway...I'm kinda hungry. I think I'm gonna grab something to eat soon.

I'm so upset. frown The last 3 years I've been going to Salem, Mass for the Halloween season. This is year 4 and I will not be able to attend. I have always gone with xEvilXashleYx , and I wish that I...
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