Judging from some astute comments and hints left on previous blogs, some of you figured this out before I did, but I finally realized what's missing. I want a baby. Maybe several babies. I guess I already knew this to some degree but being surrounded by babies and pregnant women last week really hit it home for me. The question is do I want them bad enough to accept the changes that will result to my life and career? I certainly can't raise a family and work as much as I do now. Ideally I would find a man who would prefer to be the homemaker...or at least values career less than I do. Realistically if I am going to do this I'll probably have to do it alone. Not sure how I feel about any of the options associated with that route. Also I feel like a bit of a cliche.
Thanks. Good luck with the drastic changes.
Kids are not a life change that you have to accept or not, they demand concessions and will tear your normal life asunder before you know its gone. That being said, if it something that your heart wants you will find away to juggle everything. I work a shload and my wife works and goes to school full time. Find an awesome/understanding babysitter if you don't find your Mr. Mom. Though I doubt you have trouble finding a man to chill at your pad with a kid. Once the wife is out of school I would love for her to get a bad ass job so I could stay home.