I'm thinking of buying a new place. I love living close to downtown, being able to walk to shows and bike to work, but I am starting to miss the quiet and simplicity of living in a small town. Of course I wouldn't move back home. That's too far from my job, which I would not give up no matter how much I complain about it. I am lucky to have found a job I love, I'm not going to let it get away. I just want someplace with a bigger yard in a quieter neighborhood. I miss having pets. I want to get a couple of big dogs so I need a place with lots of room. I know if I move out a ways from the city I can find a place about twice the size I have now with a nice big yard for about the same price. Sure it would mean a longer commute but I think it would be so worth it. I just wish I knew the area better. Anybody know a nice area that's relatively quiet but not too far from the city?
Haha, you can never enjoy stiff drinks too much.

I should request you as a friend because I think you're cool. I'm just shy and whatnot.