Last night, Trees2112 and I hung out with our friends Marion & Lindsey, and the parents of our next baby...
...that'll be 2 of their 6 cats. Marion & Lindsey are starting a Sphynx cattery. Yes, those would be the hairless ones. They might look a bit strange, but if you can get past that - they have the best personalities you could hope for in a pet. They are VERY affectionate and have an intelligence that is *almost* human. They have 2 purebred females, 1 purebred male, and one hybrid male, a white kitty named Austin. He is 3/4 Sphynx and has hair. (Dad was a hairy half-Sphynx and his mother was pure). A couple of kitties from the litters he fathers should have hair, so we'll be taking one of those. Not for a while yet - about a year or so.
We also played Scattergories and Charades. We should do this at the next SG gathering, seriously. Charades was a scream - each person writes down 5 random things on pieces of paper, then someone draws one and acts it out and people have to guess what it is, of course. "Irritable bowel syndrome" and "well-hung porn star" were just a couple of things we had to act out. I can only imagine what SOME of our lot might come up with! You know who you are...
...that'll be 2 of their 6 cats. Marion & Lindsey are starting a Sphynx cattery. Yes, those would be the hairless ones. They might look a bit strange, but if you can get past that - they have the best personalities you could hope for in a pet. They are VERY affectionate and have an intelligence that is *almost* human. They have 2 purebred females, 1 purebred male, and one hybrid male, a white kitty named Austin. He is 3/4 Sphynx and has hair. (Dad was a hairy half-Sphynx and his mother was pure). A couple of kitties from the litters he fathers should have hair, so we'll be taking one of those. Not for a while yet - about a year or so.
We also played Scattergories and Charades. We should do this at the next SG gathering, seriously. Charades was a scream - each person writes down 5 random things on pieces of paper, then someone draws one and acts it out and people have to guess what it is, of course. "Irritable bowel syndrome" and "well-hung porn star" were just a couple of things we had to act out. I can only imagine what SOME of our lot might come up with! You know who you are...

i can't. i have to work late. YUK.

Your picture makes me moist and happy in my pants
I want to get together with you and your boy i miss you guys!!!