Ya know something? The more I think about it, school prepared me for the real world much better than I'd imagined. Why's this, you ask? Well, all the cliquey-cliques and "stock characters" you knew and loved (or not!) in high school, are still going to figure prominently in your workplace! Am I right, or am I right? And is it really worthwhile for me to try to be something I'm not in order to impress these fuckers?!
(God, I love and appreciate Office Space more every day!)
Yesterday was Trees2112's and RedViolet's birthday, so after work we all had dinner and drinks and the High Five. ( Kellyjanice, burnbright, Patch, Missbernie, and Rati were all there - and Micah even drove up from Cincy!) We then headed back to RedViolet and Burnbright's where we were joined by Orez and Vectrexxx. We drank and laughed our asses off at really fucking bad pornos!
Good times, man! Good times! LOVE YOU GUYS!

(God, I love and appreciate Office Space more every day!)
Yesterday was Trees2112's and RedViolet's birthday, so after work we all had dinner and drinks and the High Five. ( Kellyjanice, burnbright, Patch, Missbernie, and Rati were all there - and Micah even drove up from Cincy!) We then headed back to RedViolet and Burnbright's where we were joined by Orez and Vectrexxx. We drank and laughed our asses off at really fucking bad pornos!

Good times, man! Good times! LOVE YOU GUYS!

i just can't think of that right now....i'm sorry and sumday we will attend fusion together and have a jolly old time.
i love u dear