Right, so my journal entries about Phil Collins and farting weren't such a big hit...well FUCK THE LOT OF YOU!!!
Most of the people I work with are quite a bit older and more conventional than I am. I have good enough professional relationships with them, but I'd never hang out with any of them off the clock, you know? Last week, a kindred spirit finally emerged from the woodwork. I've enjoyed shooting e-mails back and forth with her.
Today she asked me if I felt weird about having so little in common with everyone else. No one in her department ever wants to talk to her about anything non-work-related (same is true for me). Usually it doesn't bother her, but today it kind of did. You'd think you'd have more of a connection with the people you're with 40 hours a week...
...I say as long as I can stand them for those 40 hours, that's all that matters. But then I started to feel rather peeved myself. I really like my work AND my company, and want to move up the ladder there. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to work on my "schmoozing" skills and get a little chummier with my colleagues if that is to be. I guess I'm running on the old-fashioned (and outdated?) principle of "hard work is its own reward". I mean, it's not like I'd be selling my soul to the devil or anything. My workplace has more integrity than that. But if you're not willing to play the game of office politics at least to a certain degree, you're going to have a rough go if it.
I know I won't like everyone that crosses my path. Hell, there's one person in my department I really don't care for personally, and another I'm not impressed with professionally. This person is my "pod-partner" and the one I work with most closely. She's not where she needs to be for as long as she's been on the job. She's also the sister of one of the quality managers, so Office Politics played a big role in her getting to where she is. A friend and former colleague of mine interviewed for the same position, and I know for a fact she'd have done a far better job than my pod-partner. I appreciate the movie Office Space a little more each day...
Right, so amuse me with a story about an asshat colleague you couldn't stand. You know what? FUCK WORK!!!! I'm getting pissed on Martinis tomorrow night!
***For my friends who have Yahoo! Instant Messenger, my ID is thousandftper2nd. Just be sure to identify yourselves first, m'kay?

Most of the people I work with are quite a bit older and more conventional than I am. I have good enough professional relationships with them, but I'd never hang out with any of them off the clock, you know? Last week, a kindred spirit finally emerged from the woodwork. I've enjoyed shooting e-mails back and forth with her.
Today she asked me if I felt weird about having so little in common with everyone else. No one in her department ever wants to talk to her about anything non-work-related (same is true for me). Usually it doesn't bother her, but today it kind of did. You'd think you'd have more of a connection with the people you're with 40 hours a week...
...I say as long as I can stand them for those 40 hours, that's all that matters. But then I started to feel rather peeved myself. I really like my work AND my company, and want to move up the ladder there. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to work on my "schmoozing" skills and get a little chummier with my colleagues if that is to be. I guess I'm running on the old-fashioned (and outdated?) principle of "hard work is its own reward". I mean, it's not like I'd be selling my soul to the devil or anything. My workplace has more integrity than that. But if you're not willing to play the game of office politics at least to a certain degree, you're going to have a rough go if it.

I know I won't like everyone that crosses my path. Hell, there's one person in my department I really don't care for personally, and another I'm not impressed with professionally. This person is my "pod-partner" and the one I work with most closely. She's not where she needs to be for as long as she's been on the job. She's also the sister of one of the quality managers, so Office Politics played a big role in her getting to where she is. A friend and former colleague of mine interviewed for the same position, and I know for a fact she'd have done a far better job than my pod-partner. I appreciate the movie Office Space a little more each day...

Right, so amuse me with a story about an asshat colleague you couldn't stand. You know what? FUCK WORK!!!! I'm getting pissed on Martinis tomorrow night!

***For my friends who have Yahoo! Instant Messenger, my ID is thousandftper2nd. Just be sure to identify yourselves first, m'kay?

Excuse me, but I believe you have my stapler

Recovered from the Martinis yet?