Went to RedViolet's photography exhibit at the High Five yesterday, and stuck around for Church, of course! Had a fucking blast, as I always do when I get together with SG folks. Kevykev's sexy sidekick, Sean, was wearing a black fishnet top and floor-length leather skirt that totally fucked. with. my. head! (Androgynous goth boys =
) My big mistake was mentioning this to Shabbydo, who proceeded to make me go up and introduce myself, shake his hand, and request a song! I only wanted to drool from a distance! Ass!
Looking forward to hanging out with more SG peeps at the Dresden Dolls gig on Saturday night, too!
Bought the current MOJO (imported UK music rag) commemorating the 25th anniversary of the death of Joy Division's Ian Curtis. It also coincides with the release of New Order's new album. I'm looking forward to hearing it - their last record, Get Ready, kicked some ass! If they come out on tour this summer, I am in there like Kevykev's swimwear!
I think I am about to break down and buy myself an I-Pod. I'm still undecided about whether I should get the regular I-Pod or the Mini. Seeing as the regular I-Pod has 10X the capacity for $50 more, it's pretty clear which one is the better value? But do I really need 10,000 songs? I also understand that the Minis are a bit more reliable in terms of the battery life. Any advice on purchasing an I-Pod as well as a new turntable is much welcome and appreciated.
Luv ya loads like horny toads!

Looking forward to hanging out with more SG peeps at the Dresden Dolls gig on Saturday night, too!
Bought the current MOJO (imported UK music rag) commemorating the 25th anniversary of the death of Joy Division's Ian Curtis. It also coincides with the release of New Order's new album. I'm looking forward to hearing it - their last record, Get Ready, kicked some ass! If they come out on tour this summer, I am in there like Kevykev's swimwear!
I think I am about to break down and buy myself an I-Pod. I'm still undecided about whether I should get the regular I-Pod or the Mini. Seeing as the regular I-Pod has 10X the capacity for $50 more, it's pretty clear which one is the better value? But do I really need 10,000 songs? I also understand that the Minis are a bit more reliable in terms of the battery life. Any advice on purchasing an I-Pod as well as a new turntable is much welcome and appreciated.
Luv ya loads like horny toads!

ok dearest you have gone too far. Then mental image you have just put into my head of Dopespike and myself in cheerleader outfits kinda makes me ill....I mean I'd have to shave my legs and everythin.....not to mention "things" hanging out of the little cheerleader panties cuzI doubt they would fit. It would be a good stratigy to gross out the other team.

Abbey's minutes on her phone are over, so I'll try and find another way to get in touch of you.