Yeah, I think the way I'm getting buttfucked at work has given me a fresh boost of motivation to be more proactive about my Job Search. So I found about a dozen more leads online this evening, as well as a couple of places to seek career counseling.
I've added some photos, so please feel free to have a look. Also, if you need a good laugh, check out This website made me laugh until I cried!
Yeah, trees2112and I are foing to a Fetish ball on Friday night. It's Trauma 2004 at Red Zone. I feel pleasantly dirty about it, I must admit. You know, the cheap thrill of doing something a little taboo? My first visit to Outland was like that too, though now that's feeling perfectly normal and comfortable. Ya gotta keep challenging yourself, right?
I've added some photos, so please feel free to have a look. Also, if you need a good laugh, check out This website made me laugh until I cried!
Yeah, trees2112and I are foing to a Fetish ball on Friday night. It's Trauma 2004 at Red Zone. I feel pleasantly dirty about it, I must admit. You know, the cheap thrill of doing something a little taboo? My first visit to Outland was like that too, though now that's feeling perfectly normal and comfortable. Ya gotta keep challenging yourself, right?