Hi people,
I can't be arsed with updating much these days. In case you haven't figured it out from my past few entries, I'm not a big fan of the expensive, stressful holiday season. This year, I do not give a flying fuck for it AT ALL.
"Oh I love Christmas, but it's all gotten so commercialized."
Everyone ALWAYS says that, don't they, but year after year, they still fall for it hook, line, & sinker. I mean, we wouldn't have radio stations playing nothing but Christmas music from Halloween to New Years if people weren't creating a demand for that shit!
Today, while being subjected to said station in the cafeteria at my workplace, I heard an ad for "Delaware Christian Communities". Something was said about "49 acres including shops & restaurants". Well, if that lot's buggering off into their own little communes and leaving the rest of us the hell alone, then that's a good thing, I suppose...
And then they played "Sleigh Ride" by Air Supply.
I can't be arsed with updating much these days. In case you haven't figured it out from my past few entries, I'm not a big fan of the expensive, stressful holiday season. This year, I do not give a flying fuck for it AT ALL.
"Oh I love Christmas, but it's all gotten so commercialized."
Everyone ALWAYS says that, don't they, but year after year, they still fall for it hook, line, & sinker. I mean, we wouldn't have radio stations playing nothing but Christmas music from Halloween to New Years if people weren't creating a demand for that shit!
Today, while being subjected to said station in the cafeteria at my workplace, I heard an ad for "Delaware Christian Communities". Something was said about "49 acres including shops & restaurants". Well, if that lot's buggering off into their own little communes and leaving the rest of us the hell alone, then that's a good thing, I suppose...

And then they played "Sleigh Ride" by Air Supply.

and obviously not the spirit of holiday cheer. but yeah xmas (or rather giftmas as i like to think of it and festivus as my family now refers to it) is a crass and commercial enterprise, devoutly to be ignored.
i'm not sure if that's from the xmas carol or scrooged, but really does it matter?
mankind should have been my business....charity mercy kindness should have been my business...instead it's $7.25 an hour so soccer moms can buy their kids violent video games and bitch me out cause the sweater didn't ring up on clearance
so you can rant all you want to me about giftmas at anytime of the year and i will always listen.
cause yeah it's totally out of whack.
and to think i used to think it was a religious holiday...
oh yeah edited to add hope that even if you don't believe in this holiday madness, that some part of it leaves you smiling (even if cynically) from ear to ear
happy festivus!
[Edited on Dec 22, 2005 11:33PM]