Know what really gets me hot and bothered? A guy who drives a Mazda Miata (or other similarly compact car). Why? Because if what they say about cars and penis extensions is true, then a guy who drives a Miata must have a 12-inch cock as fat as a beer can!
So all you guys out there who think you're impressing the chicks with your gas-guzzling SUV's and souped-up muscle cars, heed my words! Unless it's other GUYS you're trying to impress with that shit...
**EDIT** I'm just jesting about the Miata to drive home my point about size. I don't think it's a sweet ride or anything. In fact, it seems to be a very popular midlife crisis car!
So all you guys out there who think you're impressing the chicks with your gas-guzzling SUV's and souped-up muscle cars, heed my words! Unless it's other GUYS you're trying to impress with that shit...

**EDIT** I'm just jesting about the Miata to drive home my point about size. I don't think it's a sweet ride or anything. In fact, it seems to be a very popular midlife crisis car!

So waht about a guy who takes the bus? It's not mine you know I'm just hooked on mass transit, don't ask me why.

yaaaay you're near Upper Arlington? Sweet! If you don't mind, tell me about your job. I'm really curious about companies that might need someone who speaks French. I will be looking for a job when I move there.