The well went dry. The blood thinned out, I scrapped through. A thousand layers of paint-like years. The secret's in, conjested grins. I'm trying to find places to breathe now.
Falling sea of white
Covered like the ground
Filtered by the white
I see everything, but not really
For today is far too windy
Could I come out unhindered?
Is it possible to not be affected?
Shivers run down my spine
The warmth that I've neglected
Leaves me like my own intention
To comply, I have not, I left unmentioned
So now the...
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Covered like the ground
Filtered by the white
I see everything, but not really
For today is far too windy
Could I come out unhindered?
Is it possible to not be affected?
Shivers run down my spine
The warmth that I've neglected
Leaves me like my own intention
To comply, I have not, I left unmentioned
So now the...
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Your mind can be a lonely place to get lost.
Frozen reality, a chilling permafrost.
Bitter gusts shiver shutters down your spine.
The transcending complexities can blow your mind.
Bending but never breaking. Never sleeping, so never waking.
Discomfort in the constant struggle.
Elation spawned from all we juggle.
Multi-task to get ahead.
What's important in the end?
Frozen reality, a chilling permafrost.
Bitter gusts shiver shutters down your spine.
The transcending complexities can blow your mind.
Bending but never breaking. Never sleeping, so never waking.
Discomfort in the constant struggle.
Elation spawned from all we juggle.
Multi-task to get ahead.
What's important in the end?
"Your mind can be a lonely place to get lost. "
so true
so true
this is a link to an article I wrote a few years ago
this is a link to an article I wrote a few years ago
She was confused and abused in this life
Emotional and violent moments
Seemed to take the longest time
Every single knockout dragout
Fight they ever had. Apologies and
Dignity denied he starts to
Laugh he starts to lie with
Suddenly psychotic eyes.
Every night she cried herself
to sleep she didn't recognize
Her own face in the mirror
Black & blue, so afraid
Intimidation like...
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Emotional and violent moments
Seemed to take the longest time
Every single knockout dragout
Fight they ever had. Apologies and
Dignity denied he starts to
Laugh he starts to lie with
Suddenly psychotic eyes.
Every night she cried herself
to sleep she didn't recognize
Her own face in the mirror
Black & blue, so afraid
Intimidation like...
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Like the light from a dying ember
A familiar melody
Another gift returned to sender
Such a bittersweet memory
I thought I'd finally broken even
But I was never in the game
Sometimes a fool will beleive he's sated
But still the fear remains
I hope youve get everything you wished for
And that all your dreams come to be
But still its painful to...
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A familiar melody
Another gift returned to sender
Such a bittersweet memory
I thought I'd finally broken even
But I was never in the game
Sometimes a fool will beleive he's sated
But still the fear remains
I hope youve get everything you wished for
And that all your dreams come to be
But still its painful to...
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What beautiful words! It was nice chatting tonight hun! Hope you had fun in chat as much as I did!
So fucking cute <3
just a few pics of this guy