We had to put one of the horses at the farm down last night... it really was a terrible ordeal. The poor thing, he was just at the end... he was colic-ing real bad... we did all we could.. tubing, IV's, pain killers, he was still trying to throw himself on the ground... there were 3 of us struggling to keep him standing.... finally... after hours and hours of this... with no improvement... we made the decision.... we had to walk him out to the field where he was going to be buried... because its not fun to try and get a dead horse out of a barn... we practically carried him out there... 2 on each side supporting his weight...
This was where it really hit me.. it was like.. something surreal.... like from a movie... it was well after 10pm.. so it was dark... but a lot of moonlight... the wind was picking up...there was a chill in the air... and it was starting to rain... the walk seemed to take forever... we all walked in silence...
When we got to where we needed to be.. we all hugged him, and said our good-byes... the vet started the injection, and within seconds he dropped to the ground, much sooner than he should have... we almost didnt have a chance to get out of the way... seeing such a strong, noble animal. just come crashing to the ground like that, really hits you... life is so... I dont know the word I'm looking for... fragile maybe.. for lack of a better term... one minute, standing, breathing, feeling, the next, just a shell, on the ground... it really makes you think... and feel...
Once the full dose had been administered, we all sat, quietly and waited while the vet listened with her stethoscope... after what seemed like hours, but was really only minutes, she looked up and said that his heart had stopped...
The 3 of us all hugged each other and cried... we sat out there for a little while, before covering him with a blanket, and going home for the night...
He was buried this morning... I didnt go out there until after it was all done... I didnt want to see it... I know a lot of people say... its just a horse... and in fact, he was just a horse... but he was a horse that was in our barn for 7 years, a horse we all loved, a horse we watched win blue ribbons, a horse we taught many kids to ride on, he had a heart bigger than the moon, so kind and gentle to the little ones that rode him... he'll be missed... Rest peacefully now, Mocha, I hear the grass is greener up there...
This was where it really hit me.. it was like.. something surreal.... like from a movie... it was well after 10pm.. so it was dark... but a lot of moonlight... the wind was picking up...there was a chill in the air... and it was starting to rain... the walk seemed to take forever... we all walked in silence...
When we got to where we needed to be.. we all hugged him, and said our good-byes... the vet started the injection, and within seconds he dropped to the ground, much sooner than he should have... we almost didnt have a chance to get out of the way... seeing such a strong, noble animal. just come crashing to the ground like that, really hits you... life is so... I dont know the word I'm looking for... fragile maybe.. for lack of a better term... one minute, standing, breathing, feeling, the next, just a shell, on the ground... it really makes you think... and feel...
Once the full dose had been administered, we all sat, quietly and waited while the vet listened with her stethoscope... after what seemed like hours, but was really only minutes, she looked up and said that his heart had stopped...
The 3 of us all hugged each other and cried... we sat out there for a little while, before covering him with a blanket, and going home for the night...
He was buried this morning... I didnt go out there until after it was all done... I didnt want to see it... I know a lot of people say... its just a horse... and in fact, he was just a horse... but he was a horse that was in our barn for 7 years, a horse we all loved, a horse we watched win blue ribbons, a horse we taught many kids to ride on, he had a heart bigger than the moon, so kind and gentle to the little ones that rode him... he'll be missed... Rest peacefully now, Mocha, I hear the grass is greener up there...

sorry to hear about the horse. i hope you all get through this well.
oh my goodness. that is one of the saddest things i've read. i'm so sorry. i get so attached to horses i can't even imagine the feelings. big hugs from me, you all did the best you could