I work too much. Sure it's easy to be friends with the people that work for you but that creates this odd "twilight zone" vibe at times. A good friend should be able to tell you to fuck off or disagree. Nothing is more fun than talking about work after a few beers...ugh. I get along best with lesbians but how does a straight dude meet new lesbians? Going to a gay bar seems disingenuous and a bit like false advertising. I've thought about meetup or something but that much desperation hasn't kicked in yet. I'm a fun person that's relatively stable. I am a musician and an artist. I'm happily married and incredibly open minded. Since joining this site (again after many years) seems like a step in the right direction. We shall see!
I have a hard time making friends too, but is because I'm a hardcore introvert. So all close friends I have now are really old ones, has been a while since I made I new one by myself, I often meet people through those close friends, but I often can't connect with them. I realized recently that for a friendship to last, I have to make on my own. Can't you go to a lesbian's bar with your wife?
It's funny how society works. If you go into a lesbian bar with your wife AND a group of lesbians, it's awesome. But if two straight people walk into a lesbian bar, AKWARD! Since I wrote this I actually made some new friends, just had to put in some effort.