Ok, I've only just finished watching the second episode but it is amazing. And, since it had been sitting in my netflix to-watch list for more than a year (maybe closer to two?) because the advertisements weren't very convincing, I checked out some reviews at rottentomatos etc and they were as close to 100% positive as a show can get. In fact, I think season 2 (which I won't start for another 8 episodes) DID get 100%. And from the first two episodes, I can tell that those reviews are accurate.
My recommendation: Watch this as soon as you can, it's really great, and don't go read the reviews like I did just watch it with no preconceptions.
There is one important rule for viewing this, I have discovered. Keep a notepad and writing instrument (or text editor window, or whatever) available while you watch to take notes about who is related to who and how. For example, person A is parent of B and C, and A is having an affair with D who is married to E, D and E have a child F who is friends with B and C. That kind of thing. Except they have real names, of course.
The reason for making the character relationship notes is so that you aren't tempted to google when you get confused at whatever point, because there are MASSIVE SPOILERS for this series that will pop up first thing when you search for this kind of relationship reminders.
Despite being slightly spoiled (I only saw the diagram for a moment, but some things you can never un-see) I think I am still in the dark about most of it, and figuring the rest out as the series goes along will be so much fun.
If you start watching it, please message me to say so! It would be fun to compare notes as we go along or something!