Here's a transcript of the final emails. Judge me as you wish.
Re: Gettin' to know you...
Aug 3 2007, 9:35 PM
She said:
its very late and i'm somewhat sad and i find myself wishing i could talk to you. i hope you are having sweet dreams
I said:
You should know that I am not the most sympathetic person Talking to me about sadness, despair, hurt, etc doesn't elicit the most expected or desired responses from me. I wont turn a deaf ear to you, but I will ask "what are you doing about your sadness?"
I noticed in your profile that you mentioned that you tend to fret and obsess about things. Again, I would ask, "what are you doing about it?"
Sadness happens. I have had a lot of it over the past several years. At one point, I was in such desparate straits that it affected my health. Doctors were suggsting anti-depressants and counseling. I could have done both and should have at least done the latter. What I didn't do was to continue not to act on behalf of my own happiness. I made a hard decision that deeply changed a very important relationship. The aftermath hurt as much as the cause, but eveything healed. Was I sunshine and rainbows happy? No. But I was in control of myself again. My health improved. My outlook improved. And I stopped worrying about those things that were the cause of my angst.
I came to SG to look at naked girls and find like-minded people. I am not here to counsel strangers or to lay my own problems out to them. The forums and boards are just too slender a thread to base a deep relationship on. I have friends that I meet face to face with nearly every week. I have lovers that I press flesh with. They are the only people outside of my family that I would truly put myself infront naked and ungaurded. I hope that you have the same in your town.
I am happy to talk about common interests with you, but for the time being it is best to keep the emotions guarded.
Take care.
She said:
I was expecting you'd have something sensible to say. I shouldn't have expected anything at all. Just a heads up, SG is just as much about community as it is about looking at naked pictures. you can find naked pictures without community for free many other places. As for things in common, we may have many, but being human apparently isn't one of them.