why aren't i allowed to be rude, cynical, hyper critical, angrgy, frustrated and upset?
it just seems that everybody else is allowed to act that way, yet the moment that i do it, all hell breaks loose. was i not aware of this rule that i can have emotions and feelings too?
for as childish and emotional stunt as i am, i do believe i'm allowed to my moments of rude comments. its not like i mean it. i'm just being cynical yet apparently, nobody gave me the post it note that said i can't be. no, i always have to be nice, smile, and sulk in my own corner of the world.
its like there are these standards that i'm not allowed to cross, yet everybody else is more than welcomed, too. why is it that way?
am i the one who is "emotional immature"?
thats been on my chest for a minute and i wanted to get off.
fuck you very much.
douglas reinhardt
it just seems that everybody else is allowed to act that way, yet the moment that i do it, all hell breaks loose. was i not aware of this rule that i can have emotions and feelings too?
for as childish and emotional stunt as i am, i do believe i'm allowed to my moments of rude comments. its not like i mean it. i'm just being cynical yet apparently, nobody gave me the post it note that said i can't be. no, i always have to be nice, smile, and sulk in my own corner of the world.
its like there are these standards that i'm not allowed to cross, yet everybody else is more than welcomed, too. why is it that way?
am i the one who is "emotional immature"?
thats been on my chest for a minute and i wanted to get off.
fuck you very much.
douglas reinhardt