kitty bulletin: i have not been in front of a camera for months. solution? make myself feel puuuurty, and take some damn pictures. my self-esteem is shite right now. the lack of mirrors in this apartment doesn't help the situation. i can no longer constantly make silly faces at myself.
then maybe i can post something other than pictures of real cats for once.
favorite old application pic...
which reminds me, i actually need to apply again. haha. hope it goes smoothly.
i'm completely broke. no one has called me back for an interview, and i'm getting pretty desperate. this week, i decided, i am busting my ass trying to find a job. i'm putting in an online application to home depot (for some strange reason i've always wanted to work there), and i'm going all over the city trying to find a job in an art store. i stopped by my old job yesterday, and told them i'm still unemployed, and asked if they needed anyone. it made me feel like crap, haha. i really don't want to go back there for the mere fact that I NEED A LUNCH BREAK. so that's a last resort... plus my old boss said i would have to make a long-term commitment if i came back.
school is going pretty smoothly. i want to get my job problems solved before it starts getting harder! i got my student ID, and the picture is better than both of my driver's license pictures!
i'm really missing upstate right now, even though it's even colder up there. it's strange when you miss things that you were unsatisfied with for years and years with. like my old job, my crappy old town, that kind of thing. i've done the same thing with guys before, too. haha. they suck, but i can't stop missing them. weird.
it's still freezing in NY. after the past few years, i've realized i have one of those "seasonal disordery" thingies. i get SUPER depressed every fall, and it continues until spring. i never go out in the winter, because it's too damn cold. i could've gone out last night, but since i spent half the day freezing my ass off, i stayed in and did some art. in the summer i go out about ten times more frequently. I need to move to the Bahamas!!! or at least somewhere warmer than this.
i am going through tattoo withdrawl!!!!! i haven't had any work done since at least november!!!! with my sleeve in progress, that is WAY too long for me. i promised myself years ago that i would have a full sleeve by my 25th birthday, and now i'm wondering if i will be able to get it done. i guess at least i have a finished calf-sleeve.
i really want to do a set that sort of ties in with my tattoos, and i'd really like them to be colored in for that, too.
i'm currently working on a painting for a SG member! it's pretty exciting, considering it's the first real painting someone has asked me to do... i'm used to drawing tattoos for people, but not doing paintings! it's a pretty cool experience, the only trouble is, i need to not get attached to the painting so it can be sold! that's really hard for me to do, but i've told myself, "hey, self, you could always do another one that's the same for yourself".
so, if anyone else has any painting ideas in mind, message me and you'll be next!
so i think that's it for now. i'm going to be busy as a bumblebee this week, flying around in the cold trying not to let my wings freeze, while finding a job that doesn't discriminate against furry insects.
wish me luck... kitty needs to eat. and pay rent.
in newer news, we are thinking about possibly moving to Philadelphia. it would be a slight pain in the ass as far as school is concerned (we would move after this semester, but since i'm not a PA resident it would take some time to get residency so i could go to school for cheaper). BUT i love Philly, even despite it's dangerous reputation. it is the home of my all time favorite music venue, the Electric Factory, and i've gotten horribly lost more than once trying to find my way home from the city of brotherly love. but still, i like it. my uncle lives there, even! so i could regularly hang out with him, his partner, and their cats.
i think i'd be happier there. but who knows?
real quick.... here's a tattoo i want.
something like this, anyway. i've wanted a moth tattoo for a while.
have a lovely week you lovely lovelires
ahha! i have no idea how to start this journal, so here's an owl.
want another friend?
and now a monkey