i'm sitting in NY eating a bagel right now. things are a bit better than a couple days ago i guess, although still nothing seems to be going as planned. ahhhh well.

probably going into town later to do some shopping and whatnot... other than that, nothing really interesting has been going on, yet. last night i got to walk around some more questionable parts of brooklyn, which was interesting in the dark to say the least. eventually we ended up at mr. roc roc-it's, watching him, the german tattooed man of coney island, tattooing another friend's knuckles with the words "blah blah" in his big crazy sideshow apartment while listening to mr. bungle, how appropriate.

i'm still feeling completely full of anxiety (going out last night, even though it was fun was also kind of trying on me because i am feeling very socially anxious right now), and also now, very crampy. being a girl sucks sometimes.

give me a couple of days, and hopefully i will be feeling a bit better. yeargh.

enjoy your weekend, SG boys and ghouls.


(awww, just kidding)

Ok, ok... enough Misfits stuff... time for the mandatory cute kitty pic to make your day (hopefully!).
Gawd! Tell me that little guy ain't the cutest!