but first, let me show you this.
that is what i got done today yeah, my arm hurts.
here goes:
kitty vacation!
goochland. hehehe. it was in virginia.
i have to warn you, there are a LOT of landscape shots in this journal... it was so puuurrrty!
my stuffed lemur jellybean helped drive.
sigh, the beach!
the house we rented was really sweet this year. there was also a mrs. pacman arcade game, made into a table. it pretty much rocked everyone's socks off. i got to the banana level! my friend's boy beat the highscore, and ended up with 12223 points.
here's me on the beach
i was a very happy kitty, even though the sun was setting and i could barely see a thing even with sunglasses.
...and on to the feeding!
those gulls were nuts! screeching and cawing, they swarmed all over the place, and the brave ones would swoop down and take bread from your hand.
no intarwebs, no crap to get done (well, minimal crap anyway), and no work. i had a really good week.
if i had to complain, the only thing to bitch about were our annoying neighbors. they thought it was extremely entertaining to drink all day and throw beanbags repeatedly at some big plastic target out by their pool, and they did just that pretty much all week. they would do it all day long, and blasted really crappy music while doing it. *smash* *smash* *smash* over and over. it got really irritating and we contemplated stealing their beanbags one rum drunken night. we never did, but damn i really wanted to. our last day there the quieter family on the other side of us were replaced by even more drunken and obnoxiously loud people, and by then i was pretty much ready to go.
i didn't want to say much about the way home, mostly because it sucked and i already bitched enough about the neighbors... but we got stuck in traffic for about 2 hours, almost got in an accident (actually twice), it poured rain, my friends fought, and it was also foggy.
i'm so happy i got tattooed. my arm feels like it weighs about 10 pounds right now, and it's nice and swollen. so i'm going to go rest it, and read a bit, and go to bed.
overall it was a great week. my tamagotchi died, but he was old (14 days), so i reset him.
he is now 3 days old all over again.
hope you all likeyed my crazy journal! believe me, just because there are no pictures of drinking doesn't mean we didn't drink. i made an effort to drink every day, and i did pretty good. we had some fun rum and hot tub nites. we were just too drunk to take pictures.
i think my sister actually got the drunkest! it was a really funny sight.
ok now i sleeeeeeeep.