well, i've officially been a member of the site for a month. i feel like i've done pretty well! i'm in more groups than i know what to do with! hehe. honestly it is an awesome site.
practice pics came out ok. by the time we ended up taking them, it was really late, and i was a bit tired. oh well, totally my fault... and i haven't been sleeping very well lately for some reason. i can't remember any of my dreams, and wake up about an hour or two earlier every day than i want to. well, i guess that's why they were practice pics. i'm getting a better feel for what works for me and what doesn't. there were some cute pics in there though, and some good expressions. next week i'm probably doing to actual set attempts, so i'm feeling pretty good about it.
it's even more evil.
the best part is that i felt like i really needed to document this, like it's an important event for my car... hehe.
i just spent way too much time adding pics to the weird stuff folder of my pics section. most of them i found on ebaumsworld.com, so if you are addicted to that site like i am you will probably recognize them. yeah, i like funny signs, and cats. and lobstercats. heehee.
i also found a 'she-ra, princess of power' website with all of the old characters listed and pictures people had taken of all their action figures from the series. i used to be obsessed with this cartoon when i was a kid, and i looking through the site i swear i had most of those toys back then, and if my mom didn't give them away while i wasn't looking, they're still all up in the attic somewhere.
i was also a huge fan of the british cartoons 'dangermouse', and 'count duckula'. i found the dvd's on amazon, and now i am gonna have to try and refrain from buying them both... i guess it is nostalgia night for me.
i just realized how late it is.
my younger sister is in amsterdam right now. wish i was in amsterdam.
arrrrrrrr, so jealous
can't think of anything else to say except i must... stop.... shopping. heehee. too many internet shopping sprees lately. i gotta find some stuff to ebay this week...
practice pics came out ok. by the time we ended up taking them, it was really late, and i was a bit tired. oh well, totally my fault... and i haven't been sleeping very well lately for some reason. i can't remember any of my dreams, and wake up about an hour or two earlier every day than i want to. well, i guess that's why they were practice pics. i'm getting a better feel for what works for me and what doesn't. there were some cute pics in there though, and some good expressions. next week i'm probably doing to actual set attempts, so i'm feeling pretty good about it.

it's even more evil.

i just spent way too much time adding pics to the weird stuff folder of my pics section. most of them i found on ebaumsworld.com, so if you are addicted to that site like i am you will probably recognize them. yeah, i like funny signs, and cats. and lobstercats. heehee.

i also found a 'she-ra, princess of power' website with all of the old characters listed and pictures people had taken of all their action figures from the series. i used to be obsessed with this cartoon when i was a kid, and i looking through the site i swear i had most of those toys back then, and if my mom didn't give them away while i wasn't looking, they're still all up in the attic somewhere.

i just realized how late it is.

my younger sister is in amsterdam right now. wish i was in amsterdam.

can't think of anything else to say except i must... stop.... shopping. heehee. too many internet shopping sprees lately. i gotta find some stuff to ebay this week...

"it is the study of animals that either are presumed not to exist, or have officially became extinct, but are still reported to be seen." I think I'm on that list somewhere.
Tree sex is the best kind, although I've never done it upside down in a tree before ... hmmm I wonder are you speaking of Winter or Summer?